Cell Division and Cell Function ROUND ONE ROUND TWO.


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Presentation transcript:

Cell Division and Cell Function ROUND ONE ROUND TWO

ROUND ONE Cell Division MitosisMeiosisPictures of Mitosis Miscellaneous

ROUND TWO Stages of Mitosis DefinitionsStructure & Function MiscellaneousMore Miscellaneous

Cell Division 100 What are the two types of cell division?

Cell Division 100 What is mitosis and meiosis

Cell Division 200 How many chromosomes do humans have in body/somatic cells?

Cell Division 200 What is 46 chromosomes

Cell Division 300 Which type of cell division produces two daughter cells that are exactly the same as the parent cell?

Cell Division 300 What is mitosis?

Cell Division 400 Which type of cell division produces four daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes?

Cell Division 400 What is meiosis?

Cell Division 500 What is another name for reproductive or sex cells?

Cell Division 500 What is a gamete?

Mitosis 100 Division of the nucleus is called this

Mitosis 100 What is mitosis

Mitosis 200 The process by which cells reproduce is called this

Mitosis 200 What is Cell Divison

Mitosis 300 New cells produced by mitosis are called this

Mitosis 300 What are daughter cells

Mitosis 400 What controls cell division?

Mitosis 400 What is the nucleus?

Mitosis 500 Cell parts that determine what traits a living thing will have

Mitosis 500 What are chromosomes?

Meiosis 100 This is the cell division that produces gametes

Meiosis 100 What is meiosis

Meiosis 200 Every other cell in your body that contain the same number besides your reproductive cells

Meiosis 200 What is a body cell

Meiosis 300 During the formation of gametes what happens to the number of chromosomes?

Meiosis 300 What is cut in half

Meiosis 400 What is the male reproductive cell? The female reproductive cell?

Meiosis 400 What is the sperm and egg cells

Meiosis 500 How many chromosomes would a human gamete contain?

Meiosis 500 What is 23 chromosomes

Pictures of Mitosis 100 What stage of mitosis is this picture?

Pictures of Mitosis 100 What is metaphase?

Pictures of Mitosis 200 What stage of mitosis is this picture?

Pictures of Mitosis 200 What is telophase?

Pictures of Mitosis 300 What stage of mitosis is this picture?

Pictures of Mitosis 300 What is interphase?

Pictures of Mitosis 400 What stage of mitosis is this picture?

Pictures of Mitosis 400 What is anaphase?

Pictures of Mitosis 500 What stage of mitosis is this picture?

Pictures of Mitosis 500 What is prophase?

Miscellaneous 100 How do living things grow from a baby to an adult?

Miscellaneous 100 What is cell division?

Miscellaneous 200 What forms down the middle of a dividing plant (2 things)

Miscellaneous 200 What is the cell wall and cell membrane?

Miscellaneous 300 Where are chromosomes located?

Miscellaneous 300 What is inside the nucleus?

Miscellaneous 400 Chromosomes determine what _________ living things will have

Miscellaneous 400 What are traits

Miscellaneous 500 During mitosis each chromosome makes a ________ of itself

Miscellaneous 500 What is copy

Stages of Mitosis 600 The final stage of the cell cycle where the cytoplasm divides is called?

Stages of Mitosis 600 What is cytokinesis

Stages of Mitosis 700 During which phase do separate chromatids go to opposite ends of the cell and two nuclear envelopes start to form

Stages of Mitosis 700 What is anaphase?

Stages of Mitosis 800 During which phase do chromosomes become thicker, centrioles form and the nucleus starts to disappear?

Stages of Mitosis 800 What is prophase?

Stages of Mitosis 900 A cells nucleus divides to form two identical nuclei during the stage of the cell cycle known as what?

Stages of Mitosis 900 What is mitosis?

Stages of Mitosis 1000

Definitions 600 What is the thread like mass of DNA and proteins that makes up chromosomes when condensed?

Definitions 600 What is chromatin?

Definitions 700 What is the double rod of condensed chromatin?

Definitions 700 What are chromosomes?

Definitions 800 What are each identical rod or strand of the chromosome?

Definitions 800 What is a chromatid?

Definitions 900 The structure that holds chromatids together

Definitions 900 What is the centromere?

Definitions 1000 This is the place where spindle fibers extend from

Definitions 1000 What is the centrioles

Structure and Function 600 What is the name of the cell and what is its function?

Structure and Function 600 What is a Red Blood Cell

Structure and Function 700 What is the name of the cell and what is its function?

Structure and Function 700 What is the muscle cell

What is the name of the cell and what is its function? Structure and Function 800

What is a nerve cell?

Structure and Function 900 What is the name of the cell and what is its function?

Structure and Function 900 What is cilia cells

Structure and Function 1000 What is the name of the cell and what is its function?

Structure and Function 1000 What is a guard Cell?

Miscellaneous 600 In mammals a females sex chromosomes are ___ ____ where a male’s sex chromosomes are ___ ___

Miscellaneous 600 Female XX Male XY

Miscellaneous 700 What medical disorder occurs when cell divide and grow rapidly?

Miscellaneous 700 What is cancer?

Miscellaneous 800

Miscellaneous 900 Provide an example of mitosis and an example of meiosis

Miscellaneous 900 Examples of mitosis: replace old dead cells or growth Meiosis: reproduction

Miscellaneous 1000 Why do gametes contain only half the number of chromosomes in their cells?

Miscellaneous 1000 What is when they come together they will form the correct number ( = 46 chromosomes) otherwise every time they would double the # of chromosomes

More Miscellaneous 600

More Miscellaneous 700 What stage is not part of mitosis?

More Miscellaneous 700 What is interphase?

More Miscellaneous 800 What is the name of the cell and what is its function?

More Miscellaneous 800 What is a White Blood Cell

More Miscellaneous 900 What are the tubules that move chromosomes during cell division?

More Miscellaneous 900 What are spindle fibers?

More Miscellaneous 1000 What are three reasons cell divide?

More Miscellaneous 1000 Growth Replace Old Cells Reproduction