Mitosis PhasesMitosis Phases By Kayley GibbonsBy Kayley Gibbons
Phases Of Mitosis Prophase Telophase Metaphase Anaphase Citation
Prophase The cell begins to break down structures and build others up Chromosomes are formed in an X shape connected by the Centromere The mitotic spindle begins to “capture” chromosomes The nuclear envelope breaks down Back
Metaphase The spindle has now captured all the Chromosomes and aligned them in the center at the metaphase plate The cell will then check to make sure all Chromosomes are attached correctly to their spindle checkpoints. Back
Anaphase Cohesin* is broken down, allowing the sister chromatids to separate Microtubules elongate and push apart, which allows the cell the grow taller This is driven by motor proteins* Back Find the definition to * words here
The cell is mostly finished in it’s diving process The mitotic spindle is broken down The new nuclei form for the daughter cells The chromosomes return to their original “stringy state” Telophase Back
Prophase Pictures: vision_Mitosis-Diagram.php Metaphase Pictures: Anaphase Pictures: mitosis Telephase Pictures: mitosis Phases of Mitosis: mitosis Back
Cohesin- The protein “glue” that holds the sister chromatids together Motor Proteins- molecular machines that “walk” along microtubule tracks and carry cargo