Low Carbon ICT Project Project team: Kate Aydin – Communication’s advice (Estates) Daniel Curtis – Evaluation and monitoring (OUCE) Professor Paul Jeffreys – Sponsor (Director of ICT) Howard Noble – Principal investigator (OUCS) Kang Tang – Software engineer (OeRC) Dr. David Wallom – Technical architect (OeRC)
Background Oxford department asked the computing service to solve this problem:
Indication of level of support for service? Paraphrased quotations from this survey question: “Through saving consumption of paper” “Turning PC off (along with other electrical equipment)” “Through enabling remote working practices (so cutting transport)” “Must not impact deliverables or the core strategic goals of the University” “Any change must be measured to ensure new ways of working actually improve the environmental performance of the University”
Predict and plan
Infrastructure for wake-on-LAN and monitoring service
Questions or comments? Contacts: