Texas And It’s Natural People
The First Texans Archaeologists often divide the time span between the arrival of the first American Indians and the arrival of Europeans into three periods, based on changes in their culture. The Paleolithic Era began when the first humans arrived in North America and lasted until about 6000 B.C. The Archaic Era lasted from 6000 B.C. until about A.D What does the term ERA refer to? What is a defining characteristic of the Era of Natural Texas and its people?
How Did they Arrive Today, a water passage called the Bering Strait lies between the eastern tip of Asia and Alaska. It connects the Arctic and Pacific oceans. During the last ice age, ocean levels fell enough that the bottom of the Bering Strait became dry land. The first Americans did not all arrive at once. They came in small bands over thousands of years. These bands were probably following the large game animals that also migrated across the land bridge
How do we know about early natives Archaeology and the Past The early indigenous peoples of North America left behind many artifacts that reveal much about them. These artifacts can tell archaeologists many things about the past. For example, pictographs and petroglyphs have been found at more than 250 sites in Texas.artifactsarchaeologistspictographs petroglyphs Archaeologists can also compare the objects buried deeper to those nearer the surface. This can show how ways of life changed over time.
Southeastern People Not all Indians who had the same culture were members of the same tribe. In fact, some Indians did not belong to tribes. Instead they lived in small groups or bands. A band consists of two or more extended families who live together under one leader.band A tribe is a number of bands that follow the same leader and share the same territory and culture.tribe
The Caddo People By about 1200, the Caddoes began to depend more upon farming. By 1500 there may have been as many as 250,000 Caddos divided into 20 or so clusters of villages. Most Caddoes lived in smaller villages located in clearings in the forest. Besides corn, beans, and squash, they grew sunflower seeds and other types of seeds Caddo houses were rounded wooden buildings with roofs of cane and grass. Some were up to 60 feet in diameter and held 8 to 10 families. The Caddoes furnished their homes with colored rugs, baskets, and pottery. Trade The Caddoes traded across a vast area The Caddo People that originally lived in East Texas also lived in
Atakapan People The Atakapan Peoples South of the Caddoes lived Indians who spoke a language called Atakapan. They lived in five bands or small tribes spread across the Coastal Plains from Louisiana to Galveston Bay. One of these Atakapan bands, the Bidais, lived on the southern edge of the Piney Woods between the Trinity and Brazos rivers
Atakapans At least four bands of Akokisas, another Atakapan group, lived along Galveston Bay. Much of this land was marshy swampland. As a result, they did little farming. Instead they hunted and gathered their food. There they fished from canoes made from hollowed-out logs. What region did the Atakapans live in? What region is the piney woods in?
The Witchita People The Wichita Peoples In prehistoric times, the Wichita peoples lived near the Caddoes along the Red River For protection, villages joined to create three tribes—Tawakonis, Wacos, and Wichitas By the mid-1700s they had crossed the Red River into Texas. The Tawakonis and Wacos settled farther south, along the Brazos River.
Jumanos The Jumano People Around A.D. 1200, the Jumanos established villages on the land between the Pecos River and the Rio Grande. Jumanos farmed and lived in pueblos made of adobe.adobe What Region did the Jumanos In?