Warm-up 10/17/14 Write a sentence to combine the questions and answers. Which ecoregion of Texas is most likely to be most affected by wind erosion? A East Texas Piney Woods B Blackland Prairies C Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes D Rolling Plains The state of Texas can be divided into geographically similar areas defined by climate and animal and plant species that stay relatively within the same area. These large geographical sections of land are called — A counties B substrates C ecosystems D ecoregions
Work that is due and needs to be completed today. Ecoregions power point – I will send a file request at the end of class. ALL vocab – printed list and all 3 picture vocab lists in Stemscopes (the third one is added today) Quiz has been moved to Tuesday. Two Progress monitoring assessments in Stemscopes (7.8A, 7.8B – the second one was added today) ALL retest work
NEW ASSIGNMENT Color Ecoregions of Texas Map - Due Monday (turn in today if completed) Use these colors for the map Piney Woods – green Oak Woods & Prairies – purple Blackland Prairies – black Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes - blue Coastal Sand Plain – brown South Texas Brush Country - orange Edwards Plateau – yellow Llano Uplift - red Rolling Plains – brown High Plains - purple Trans Pecos – red Marine Environment – blue
Closing Question Yellow Ticket Out – Turn in on table in front