Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 The value of a Father’s impact has been diminished in recent years...
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 “The world began to radically change with the social, economic and technical changes of the 20th Century and, with those changes, came a basic change in the structure and function of the family with a…
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 “…consequent shift in the authority of the father. His influence was increasingly seen as minor, even negligible, and his importance was defined by how well he provided for the family.” (Published June 23, 2011 by Ditta M. Oliker, Ph.D. in The Long Reach of Childhood, reported in Psychology Today)
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 In a recent North Carolina State University presentation...
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 Children with little or no contact with their fathers are......more likely to drop out of school
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 Children with little or no contact with their fathers are......more likely to become involved in drug and alcohol abuse
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 Children with little or no contact with their fathers are......(girls) more likely to become pregnant as teens
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 Children with little or no contact with their fathers are......(boys) more likely to become involved in crime and violence
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 Four major emphases are identified in the literature on father absence
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 The impact of father absence on (1) intellectual or academic achievement
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 The impact of father absence on (2) gender-specific development
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 The impact of father absence on (3) general behavioral adjustment
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 The impact of father absence on (4) aggression in male children
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 Beyond the emotional and behavioral consequences of father absence, there are striking economic consequences for the children
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 Over 65 percent of children living with never- married mothers are living below the poverty line
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 This compares with 10 percent of children living in two-parent families
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13: But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we.” 32 And they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land which they had…
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 …spied out, saying, “The land through which we have gone as spies is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature. 33 There we saw the giants…
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 …(the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.” Numbers 13:31-33
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 The Biggest Giants Those Within!
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 Giants of the Mind! How We Think or Conceive of Things: Slaves or Settlers?
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 Giants of our Behavior Breaking the Habit: Bound or Free?
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 Giants Imagined Realties that Do Not Exist: Foundations or Fear?
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 Friendly Giants Time to Man-Up Putting on our big Boy Britches!
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 For Jack, Tom or David to become a Giant Slayers requires three things…
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33 Man-Up to.. …our Brokenness …our Relationships …our God-Deemed Role
Jack, Tom or David; The Giant Slayers Numbers 13:31-33