Introduction to Management Welcome to MT140 Introduction to Management Unit 4 Seminar – Organizing This seminar is being recorded
Instructor Contact Information Professor: Dr. Janis McFaul Home/ Office Phone: 248-449-8319 Email: Office Hours: Monday-Friday from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. or by appointment Kaplan Technical Support: 1-866-348-1196 You don’t need to wait until office hours to contact me! I check my email several times a day and I welcome your telephone calls! If you have a question, don’t wait! Ask immediately. 2
Unit 3 Review Planning is one of the four primary functions of management. Planning involves a systematic process of making decisions about goals and activities that will be carried out by individuals, groups, and the organization. Successful management depends on an accurate and thorough evaluation of the organization’s environment. 3
Unit 3 Review (Continued) The Planning Process Step 1. Analyze the Situation The Planning Process Step 1. Analyze the Situation The Planning Process Step 2. Generate Alternative Goals and Plans The Planning Process Step 3. Evaluate Goals and Plans The Planning Process Step 4. Select Goals and Plans The Planning Process Step 5. Implement the Goals and Plans The Planning Process Step 6. Monitor and Control Performance
File Names The Kaplan File Naming Convention YourName_Assignment_Unit# JimSmith_Homework_Unit4 Notice that this is not: jsmith or even jimsmith Notice that this is not assignment, or MT140 or others Beginning next unit, I will begin deducting points for incorrect file names.
Levels of Planning and Goals Strategic Goals: Major long-term targets or results relating to the firm’s long-term survival, value, and growth. These are set by the firm’s highest level of management. Strategic Plans: Action plans to support the strategic goals. These usually cover the entire firm and are implemented by top management.
Levels of Planning and Goals Continued Tactical Planning: Translates the broad strategic goals and plans into specific goals and plans usually for a specific area of the firm such as department or division. These often involve middle level management and are not as long-range as the strategic goals and plans.
Levels of Planning and Goals Continued Operational Planning: Shorter-range plans that address specific procedures and processes to ensure success of the tactical goals and plans and in turn, success of the strategic goals and plans. This usually occurs at lower levels of the organization and often involves first-level managers (supervisors). All levels of planning must be consistent and in agreement to be successful! It is a hierarchical process!
SWOT Analysis The SWOT Analysis is a useful strategic planning tool. It allows the user to visualize the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the business. Strengths and Weaknesses: Refer to internal resources of the firm; what the firm does especially well and in what areas the firm is weaker. Opportunities and Threats: Refer to those elements in the macroenvironment and the competitive environment that could represent a competitive opportunity or pose a competitive risk for the firm.
Agenda General Questions and Announcements Introduction Organizational Structures / Q & A Levels of Authority within a Business / Q & A Delegation /Q & A Conclusion of Seminar 10
Unit 4 Objectives During this unit we will: Identify characteristics of vertical and horizontal organizational structures. Identify levels of authority in an organization. Discuss delegation.
Key Concepts Organizing is one of the primary functions of management. Organizational structures have vertical and horizontal dimensions, each having unique characteristics. The organization chart depicts the positions in the organization and the way they are arranged. Delegation is a fundamental feature of management at every level of management.
Organizational Structures Two Broad Structures: Mechanistic Structures: Intended to promote internal efficiency. A formal structure. Organic Structures: Depend heavily on informal structures of employee networks. A more flexible and changeable form. Differentiation versus Specialization: Differentiation is created by division of labor and job specialization. Work specialization refers to an organizational structure that is composed of many different units that work on many different kinds of tasks, using different skills and work methods.
Vertical Organizational Structures (Continued) Two dimensions to an organization’s structure: Vertical and Horizontal. Vertical Structure: Hierarchical lines of authority: Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer Upper Management Team Middle Management First Line Management Span of Control: Determines a manager’s authority.
Vertical Organizational Structures (Continued) Delegation: The assignment of authority and responsibility to a subordinate at a lower level in the hierarchy. Responsibility: Means that a person is assigned a task that they are supposed to complete. Accountability: The right of the subordinate’s manager to expect specific performance and to take corrective action if the subordinate fails to do so. Decentralization: Spreads the decision-making power to lower levels within the organization.
Horizontal Organizational Structures Departmentalization: The subdividing of larger organizations into smaller subunits. Line Departments: Those that have responsibility for the primary activities of the firm. Staff Departments: Those that provide specialized or professional skills to support the line departments.
Horizontal Organizational Structures (Continued) A firm may be subdivided by: Functions: Like production, human resources, accounting, etc. Divisions: To reflect diverse firm needs. Each division having its own functional subunits. Matrix: A hybrid form combining both functional and divisional characteristics. Involves multiple reporting relationships. Network: A collection of mostly single-function firms that collaborate to produce a good or service.
Organizational Chart Illustrated (Sandwich Blitz, Inc.)
Any questions ?
HOMEWORK REVIEW – WEEK 4 READING This week's required reading is from Chapter 6 in the Bateman and Snell text pp. 122-134. In this chapter we will discuss how businesses are structurally organized and why. We will examine how the way a business is organized structurally determines how decisions are made, how employees interact, and how the company is managed.
HOMEWORK REVIEW – WEEK 4 DISCUSSION QUESTION Delegation is the assignment of new or additional responsibilities to a subordinate. When done correctly, the individuals involved know exactly what they are to do, and the chances for success are maximized. Refer to the unit readings in the textbook section on delegation (pp. 126-127). Pick a job or position (paid or unpaid) that you have held in which you delegated to others or had responsibilities delegated to you. Describe your experience with delegation in terms of what went well and why, or what did not go as expected. What could have improved the chances of a successful outcome in that particular situation?
References were used and cited properly HOMEWORK REVIEW – WEEK 4 DISCUSSION QUESTION To earn 100% - you must quote you textbook! From your syllabus: Clarity and Organization of Writing (20%) of your post will be measured on the following criteria: Posts were organized and logical No spelling or grammatical errors References were used and cited properly
HOMEWORK REVIEW – WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT MT140 Unit 4 Assignment Jack and Jenny have discussed two possible avenues to grow and expand Sandwich Blitz, Inc. One possible strategy would be to franchise locations and another would be to secure venture capital to finance an internal expansion by opening more company-owned shops. Jack feels that he just doesn’t have time to investigate these options because he is spending an increasing amount of his time assisting the location managers. Jenny noted that two of the location managers had exhibited much skill in the management of their locations and perhaps a new position could be added to coordinate with the location managers, thus freeing Jack to work on these larger issues.
HOMEWORK REVIEW – WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT MT140 Unit 4 Assignment: After reading the scenario above and pages 124–125 in Chapter 6 of your textbook under the section on authority, please respond to the following questions: (Please number your responses 1 – 4 according to the four questions below) 1. How would creating a new position between the CEO and the location managers help the business to grow? 2. Is promoting an existing manager the best place to fill this position? If not, what is an alternative source to fill the position? 3. Who within the company should make these decisions? 4. List the levels of authority (management) that Sandwich Blitz, Inc. would have if the new position is created. See Org Chart provided
HOMEWORK REVIEW – WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT MT140 Unit 4 Assignment Submit Assignment 4 to the Dropbox Draft your Assignment paper of at least several paragraphs or more in MS Word format. Be sure your paper is well written in paragraph form, with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Name your file according to the Kaplan file-naming convention. Submit your Assignment to the correct unit Dropbox for grading before the close of the unit as an attachment. 1. Go to the Dropbox to submit your saved file. 2. Click the link that says 'Submit an Assignment'. 3. In the 'Submit to Basket' menu, select Unit 3: Assignment. 4. In the optional 'Comments' field, type any additional information you wish your instructor to see. 5. Click the button that says 'Add Attachments'. 6. Follow the steps listed to complete attaching your file. You will be able to come back to the Dropbox and view your graded work or in the Gradebook after your instructor evaluates it.
HOMEWORK REVIEW – WEEK 4 REVIEW QUIZ MT140 Unit 4 Assignment Tips for success…read your chapter twice!
See you next week! After this seminar has concluded, there will be a recording in the archives located in the seminar room. It may be selected by date.
Thank You for Joining Me This Evening! Good Night All!
Working at GOOGLE September 2008
We already knew that working for Google had certain advantages, but, believe me, this giant of the search motor takes the welfare of its employees seriously .. as shown by this decompression (stress) capsule that is impermeable to sound and light ...
Moving around: A slide allows quick access from different floors Moving around: A slide allows quick access from different floors .. There are also poles available ... they are similar to the ones used in fire stations.
Food. Employees can eat all they want from a vast choice of food and drink.
Work Station: Each employee has at least two large screens Work Station: Each employee has at least two large screens. There are 4-6 'Zooglers' per office.
INNOVATION: Large boards are available just about everywhere because 'ideas don't always come when seated in the office' says one of Googles managers.