Comprehension Strategies
Discussion web based on : Jack and The Beanstalk Made giant mad Bad to steal Go to jail Made God angry Make giant have bad dreams Giant wanted his stuff Didn’t ask permission Turned Jack into a thief Really Jack’s stuff Jack and mother poor Giant was mean, Jack was nice Jack didn’t think he was stealing He’d be richer He and his mother had nothing Giant had killed Jack’s dad Reasons Was it all right for Jack to bring home things from the giant’s castle? Conclusion NoYES
Discussion web based on: The Tell-Tale Heart Reasons Was the narrator of this story insane? Conclusion It was all the man’s fault because of the eye. No one kills because of physical affliction. NOYES
Reasons TO get Freckles So he wouldn’t have to wash his face and neck. He wouldn’t be late for school. He wouldn’t have to count Nicky’s freckles, and then no one would laugh. To show Sharon she wouldn’t get a chance to laugh at him. Reasons NOT to get Freckles He should be happy with himself Freckle Juice looked gross. It made him sick. Nicky hates his Freckles.
Contrast Chart Pros Easy Read Humorous ShortVarious topics Cons Separation of church & state Questionable content Not mainstream Different presentation
I know: I wonder:
I know: I wonder: About rivers Historical fiction Water rises What is the significance of the #3? Does the water rising indicate a flood? Is this story based on a real event?
PositiveNegative CreativeBlames others for his faults Alexandar (from books by Judith Viorst)
A.Title B. Dynamic characters C. Static characters D. Point of reason for change with the dynamic characters E. Explanation of why or how the static characters remain the same
A.Title: The Giver by Lois Lowry B. Dynamic characters: Jonas and the Giver C. Static characters: Jonas’ family and other members of the community D. Point of reason for change with the dynamic characters: 1. Jonas’ change begins when he receives the memories from the Giver. He starts to question life as he has known it. (He realizes that life is not lived in black and white.) 2. The Giver has already changed because he has previously received the memories. He has also decided to take a step in his life that will forever change it, possibly end it. E. Explanation of why or how the static characters remain the same: Jonas’ family and community members remain constant throughout the story. They accept life as it is and do not question it or show any feelings whatsoever.
A story impression is an activity often used with students who find reading difficult. It provides readers with a limited amount of vocabulary or phrases (referred to as story clues) taken directly from the story. The clues are presented in the exact order they appear in the text. Students read them and write their own story, following the sequential pattern. The activity is done during the pre-reading stage and reviewed in the post reading stage.
Directions: Read the following clues and create a story using them. Be sure to follow the order the clues are given in. Story Chain Story Guess House Old man Young Man Hatred Ugly eye Death Tub, blood, knife Buried Floor Police Heartbeat Guilt Crazy Confession