1. THE QUESTION Rocks come in many different sizes, shapes, cool colors, and are found all around you But how do rocks form, where do they come from? Why are some smooth and shiny while others look dull and rough? So how much do you REALLY know about Rocks? Next These materials are © 2005 NAME, SCHOOL, all rights reserved.
2. INFORMATION SOURCES Earlier we briefly spoke about volcanoes and volcanic activity and its effects on the environment, now lets take a closer look at how volcanic activity plays an important role in rock formation and in the Rock Cycle You will all have the opportunity as a class to begin your own investigations on the Rock Cycle and rock formations On the next slide you will be given 3 links to begin this process. 2 sites and 1 link to a document to take notes Take your time and surf these sites about Rocks: Choose which site works best for you Next These materials are © 2005 NAME, SCHOOL, all rights reserved.
3. THE STUDENT ACTIVITY From the two sites listed I would like for you to choose a site surf it carefully and examine the rock cycle and the 3 types of rocks. Once you have navigated through the site and have an understanding of what the Rock cycle is play one of the interactive games. For site 1 the game will be “test your skills” and for site 2 “Rock Cycle game” or “Rock cycle Label Game”. Site 1 Site 2 Rock Cycle Note Sheet Break into Assignment Pairs Choose Site 1 or 2 Surf the site you selected and take notes Next These materials are © 2005 NAME, SCHOOL, all rights reserved.
4. The Assessment Activity Once you have completed your note sheets in your assignment group use the materials at the back of the room to create your very own rock cycle story on a oak tag board. Be sure to use colors, pictures, or any images to create the story line of the rock cycle. Students may use their note sheets or the given web sites for ideas to complete their board Next These materials are © 2005 NAME, SCHOOL, all rights reserved.
5. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES The following are excellent sites about: The Rock Cycle and Rock Formations kcycle/index.htmlSite kcycle/index.htmlSite e.html e.html arth.htm arth.htm kids/ kids/ _science/terc/content/investigations/es0 602/es0602page02.cfm _science/terc/content/investigations/es0 602/es0602page02.cfm Next These materials are © 2005 NAME, SCHOOL, all rights reserved.
6. TEACHER SUPPORT MATERIALS State Standards Maryland rth_space_science/goal2.html rth_space_science/goal2.html Learning Objectives Students will identify rocks. Students will match rocks with the appropriate phase of the rock cycle. Students will show how certain rocks can become other rocks. Materials Internet acess Oak Tag or any large poster board Markers,, paste, scissors, glue, work space These materials are © 2005 NAME, SCHOOL, all rights reserved.