Ch 12 Foreign Affairs in a Young Nation
American History #1
American History #2
American History #3
American History #4
American History #5
American History #6
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These are principles that guide the United States in dealings with other foreign nations.
What is Foreign Policy
This national symbol represents the Founding Fathers hopes and dreams for the United States
What is the great Seal
The two symbols on the Great Seal of arrows and an olive branch best represent what foreign policy decisions.
What is war for the arrows and peace for the olive branch?
The phrase, “E Pluribus Unum” found on the Great Seal most closely means?
What is “Out of many one” ?
What two reason were given for why the Revolutionary Army was not replaced?
What is that a standing army would cost the government a great expense to keep, and fear that a standing army would take away the peoples liberty?
In 1789 this country controlled Canada to the north.
What is Great Britain?
In 1789 this country controlled Florida and Louisina
What is Spain ?
A policy in which President Washington declared that the United States would do nothing to aid another country during a time of war. A policy in which President Washington declared that the United States would do nothing to aid another country during a time of war.
What is neutrality?
The policy developed by President Washington in which our country would avoid political alliances with other countries
What is isolationism?
The treaty in which the British finally agreed to pull out of the Ohio Valley.
What is Jay’s treaty?
Because of Jay’s Treaty with the British this country felt betrayed and began attacking American ships.
Who were the French?
To stop the French from seizing more US ship the US sent ambassadors to speak with this French Foreign Minister. To stop the French from seizing more US ship the US sent ambassadors to speak with this French Foreign Minister.
Who is the French Foreign Minister Talleyrand?
During this crisis the United States was asked to pay a bribe (tribute) in order to speak with a French Foreign minister.
What is the XYZ Affair?
The United State’s response to the XYZ Affair was to declare a “half war’ on France. This included building 12 additional Naval ship and allow what naval action?
What is Privateering of French vessels (ships)?
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In 1799 John Adams sent peace envoys to make peace with France. This new French leader was now in power.
Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?
In 1799 the US agreement with France included ending its 1778 alliance with them and allowed them forgiveness of damage to what US property?
What are US captured or damaged ships?
In 1803 these two countries were at war and began capturing US ships who traded with each of them.
Who were Britain and France?
A practiced used by the British Navy in which they captured and forced US sailors into service for the British Navy.
What is impressment?
The US paid tribute to pirates from this area.
What are the Barbary States of North Africa?
This ship ran aground on a hidden reef and was captured and held for ransom by the Barbary Pirates in North Africa.
What is the Philadelphia?
Between 1803 and 1807 Britain captured about this many US ships.
What are 1,000 Ships?
In 1807 the US used this tactic as an attempt to discourage Britain and France from seizing US ships?
What is an Embargo?
In 1809, the US repealed the Embargo Act because 55,000 of these people lost their jobs.
Who are sailors?
As US trouble with the British continued this Shawnee Indian led raids in an attempt to keep the US settlers from spreading into their land in the Ohio river valley.
Who is Tecumseh?
Daily Double!!
What is the name of the group of congressmen who along with President Madison decided to declare war of Britain and launch the War of 1812.
Who were the War Hawks?
In 1814 this famous American building was burned to the ground by the British. President Madison's wife Dolly, narrowly escaped capture.
What is the Presidential Mansion soon after called the White House?
This song was written while Francis Scott key was held hostage aboard a British War ship during the bombardment of Fort McHenry.
What is the Star Spangled banner?
The treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812 with Britain. What were the three effects of this treaty.”
What were 1.Indian resistance in the Ohio Valley weakened 2.National pride in the US soared 3.The Federalist party was weakened and dissolved away?
These three leaders led revolutions of freedom in Central and South America.
Who were 1.Miguel Hildalgo in Mexico 2.Simon Bolivar in Venezuela 3.Jose de San Martin in Argentina?
In this doctrine the US declared that no European power should meddle with America, north or south. If they did so we would view it as a threat to our safety
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
This letter was discovered to be a pirates favorite during the conflict with the Pirates of the Barbary coast!
What is “RRR”?