Managing Resources for Learning Insecure – can be lost, copied, deleted Susceptible to damage and loss Personal storage Useful for transfer of files to/from College No student access Memory Stick
Managing Resources for Learning Memory Stick H: Drive Personal space on the College network Secure and backed up Can be accessed using any College computer Can be accessed from home Personal storage No student access
Managing Resources for Learning Memory Stick H: Drive Personal space on the College network Shared team space on the College network L:/T: Drive Secure and backed up Can be accessed from any College computer Shared files and folders reduce effort and encourage team work No access away from College No student access
Managing Resources for Learning Memory Stick H: Drive Personal space on the College network Shared team space on the College network L:/T: Drive VLE Secure and backed up Can be accessed from any computer anywhere at any time Shared files and folders reduce effort and encourage team work Provides student access
Managing Resources for Learning Memory Stick H: Drive Personal space on the College network Shared team space on the College network L:/T: Drive VLE Tutor only access Staff & Student Access
Managing Resources for Learning Memory Stick H: Drive Personal space on the College network Shared team space on the College network L:/T: Drive VLE Tutor centred Learner centred
Managing Resources for Learning Memory Stick H: Drive Personal space on the College network Shared team space on the College network L:/T: Drive VLE Classroom access 24/7 Access
Managing Resources for Learning Memory Stick H: Drive Personal space on the College network Shared team space on the College network L:/T: Drive VLE Classroom based learning Independent learning