MIWP-16 status MIG-T meeting March 2015. Tasks of MIWP-16 The tasks of the temporary sub-group shall be: – Develop a project plan including deliveries.


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Presentation transcript:

MIWP-16 status MIG-T meeting March 2015

Tasks of MIWP-16 The tasks of the temporary sub-group shall be: – Develop a project plan including deliveries in line with the specified timeframe (see below). – Review the indicators defined in Articles 3 to 10 of the Commission Decision of 5 June 2009 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards monitoring and reporting, with the objective of automating their calculation. – Analyse how to extract monitoring information from the metadata records available through INSPIRE discovery services. – Analyse how to filter out the metadata records which are for INSPIRE datasets out of a catalogue containing metadata on more datasets than only INSPIRE datasets. – Design a dashboard (including functional requirements) which would provide access to all monitoring information and related indicators for every Member State. – Test the approach with pilot countries. – Update the justification document for indicators as appropriate. – Update the Technical Guidelines on monitoring as appropriate. – Propose evolutions of discovery metadata or monitoring data (if needed) which would require modifications of some legally binding pieces of INSPIRE legislation (e.g. by requiring some extra elements in metadata on datasets or by cancelling the requirement for some elements provided under monitoring such as the area covered by dataset)

Deliverables of MIWP-16 The deliverables of the temporary sub-group shall be: – Project plan – Review of the indicators – Functional and non-functional requirements for the dashboard – Prototype of a dashboard – Updated justification document for indicators (if needed) – Updated Technical Guidelines on monitoring (if needed) – Report proposing evolutions of discovery metadata or monitoring data which would require modifications of some legally binding pieces of INSPIRE legislation (if needed)

Dashboard Functional and non-functional requirements drafted in Aalborg Review of a first prototype beginning of November in Copenhagen and refinement/prioritization of the requirements Prototype delivered on 28 February – Blocking bugs still corrected

Dashboard – What can it do today? Harvest INSPIRE nodes (with possibility to apply filters) Generate INSPIRE monitoring reports which can be used as basis for official monitoring (area and use statistics are missing and need to be added e.g. by using the EEA webform) Call the JRC metadata validator and visualize the results [some improvements coming on both sides]

Dashboard – What can it do today? Filter / Display statistics about the harvested metadata Display monitoring indicators in charts and maps

Dashboard – plans for the future Move from a prototype to a final product Fix all identified bugs Improve the charts and maps Implementation of rights management UI for non-expert user to be implemented Allow for the automated provision of use statistics through an API.

Future - Challenges Should the dashboard become a stable product part of the INSPIRE toolkit? If yes, – Governance model for future development The tool is open source … but this is not enough – Is MIWP-16 in charge of bringing it from a prototype stage to a stable product status? – Funding? Ideally MS + EEA/EC If no, – Up to MS to use it and further develop it.