Angles and Parallel Lines Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson Chapter 7: Angles and Parallel Lines 7.3 Parallels and Transversals
Copy this slide into your Math book! Instructions Before we begin, Those slides with Please do COPY it into your Math Book! Your respective Math teachers will check them next week. Copy this slide into your Math book!
This is the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. It is one of the world's largest museums and a historic monument. Question: From this angle, Are the lines on the Louvre Museum parallel to each other? Look closely. Answer: No, they are not…..
But in actual fact…. The lines on the Louvre Museum are parallel! It’s the angle that we look at it. Now, we are looking straight, the lines are indeed parallel!
Copy this slide into your Math book! Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson Parallel Lines Lines are parallel if they never intersect and are always the same distance apart (equidistant). Copy this slide into your Math book! We show lines are parallel using arrows. We write AB//CD. B A C D
Copy this slide into your Math book! Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson Perpendicular Lines Lines are perpendicular if they intersect at right angles. Copy this slide into your Math book! We use this symbol to show a right angle. A B C D
Copy this slide into your Math book! Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson Ex 7.3 Practice Example 1 D E F G H I Copy the diagram into your Mathbooks. Fill in the gaps with // or . a) DE___HI b) DE___EF c) GF___DE d) HG___GF e) EF___DE f) HI ___ID Copy this slide into your Math book! Find as many parallel and perpendicular lines as you can in this photograph!
Copy this slide into your Math book! Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson Ex 7.3: Exploratory Activity (1) In your Math book, draw a line AB. Draw another line CD on the line AB. Copy this slide into your Math book! C D A B Using a protractor, measure the two angles labelled with . What do you realize? Answer: ________________________________
Ace-learning Activity I Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson Ace-learning Activity I Now, log on to Ace-Learning and follow the instructions given in the next few slides.
Content Hub -> Exploratory Activities Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson Content Hub -> Exploratory Activities
Exploratory Activities: Geometry -> Alternate Angles Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson Exploratory Activities: Geometry -> Alternate Angles
Exploratory Activities: Alternate Angles Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson Exploratory Activities: Alternate Angles Follow the activities in this order – Exploration, Understanding & Application!
Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNT?
Alternate Angles Are Equal Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson Alternate angles Copy this slide into your Math book! Given parallel lines, with a line intersecting them both, (called transversal line) The marked angles are called alternate angles. Alternate Angles Are Equal
Ace-learning Activity II Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson Ace-learning Activity II Now, back to Ace-Learning And complete the Exploratory Activities: Corresponding Angles Follow the activities in this order – Exploration, Understanding & Application!
Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNT?
Corresponding Angles Are Equal Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson Corresponding angles Given parallel lines, With a line intersecting them both The marked angles are called corresponding angles. Copy this slide into your Math book! Corresponding Angles Are Equal
Copy this slide into your Math book! Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson Let’s try! State ALL the angles that are equal. State all reasons. j k i l n p o m f g h e d c b a Copy this slide into your Math book!
Copy this slide into your Math book! Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson 2) Which lines are parallel, if any? Give reasons. 79° 77° A B C D E F G H I J Copy this slide into your Math book!
3) Below is a map of Tampines Avenue 8. Find angles a, b, c, and d. Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson 3) Below is a map of Tampines Avenue 8. Find angles a, b, c, and d.
rules of angles Make a poster or booklet explaining the Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson Chapter 7.3 Assessment Make a poster or booklet explaining the rules of angles to the 2016 batch of Secondary One students.
Your poster or booklet needs to have: A title; Sec One Express Mathematics ICT Lesson Chapter 7.3 Assessment Your poster or booklet needs to have: A title; A sentence and diagram explaining the terms Angles On A Line, Angles Around A Point, Vertically Opposite Angles, Corresponding Angles and Alternating Angles; A sentence explaining what we know about these angles; Lots of colour!
Now, move on to the last section - Ex 7.4!