What is Cameroon? This country is located slightly north of the equator, and is not much larger than California What is nepotism? Since Cameroon is a group oriented society and individualism is not encouraged, this French practice will trump a college educated person’s qualifications What is an active volcano? Mount Cameroon, also known as, Mount Po, is this type of mountain. What are witch doctors? Even though the population is 40% Christian and 20% Muslim, many people consult these when confronted by evil spirits What is a Franc? This is the currency of Cameroon Who is Paul Biya, the President of Cameroon? A Southern Christian, born in 1933 took office in 1982 and has maintained Cameroon’s close relationship with France What is Nigeria? In 2006, Cameroon and this neighbor agreed to end their decades-old border dispute over the Bakassi Peninsula What is the Celebration of Youth Day? In 1961 this referendum led to the formation of modern day Cameroon What are the economic resources of Cameroon? Oil, coffee. cocoa, cotton, rubber and timber are what for Cameroon What are France and Britain? Germany’s defeat at the end of WW1 led to Cameroon’s split between these two countries What are seeds and pebbles? Movies, videos, arcades and television are popular in cities; however, traditional board games are still played with these What are taxis & buses? In order to reduce the number of traffic accidents a 2011 law was enacted to prevent these from driving at night HISTORYGEOGRAPHYHISTORYGEOGRAPHYRELIGIONCULTURERELIGIONCULTUREGOVERNMENTECONOMICSGOVERNMENTECONOMICS What are English & French? Although Cameroon has over 240 languages and nearly 100 written forms these two languages are the nation’s official languages What is their title? Addressing a person of higher status by their name is considered rude, instead they should use this. What is snap the middle finger and thumb? In addition to shaking hands, young males do this while pulling away from the handshake. What is dancing spontaneously? Cameroonians often display pleasure by doing this BONUSKNOWLEDGEBONUSKNOWLEDGE