Southeast Regina Vivian Drew Colby
Geography Has 12 states and 1 commonwealth A lot of rivers Each state is bordered by at least 1 river Appalachian mountains Mississippi river
Climate In Summer and Autumn 1 or more tropical storms form into hurricanes It is usually warm in the southeast A hurricane is a really powerful storm in 2005 hurricane Katrina, Rita, Wilma struck the gulf coast
Industry West Virginia and Kentucky- coal mining Farming-good weather Tennessee and Kentucky –nuclear energy plants and hydroelectric plants are used as sources of energy Hydroelectric plants use the power of rivers to create electricity
Culture Native Americans were the first people to live in the Southeast In the 1700s Europeans came to the Southeast Florida holds Caribbean festivals Gullah are skilled basket weavers and story tellers
Attractions Tourists Amusement parks Historic cities such as Charleston, South Carolina and Savannah Kennedy Space Center
Fun Facts A lot of beaches Every year major league baseball teams train in Florida People from Asia come to the southeast