Human Impact Effects on Others Fun Facts Habita t Welcome to the Museum of BLUE CRABS Curator’s Offices More Facts l
Contact me at [Your linked address] I'm cool, I do a lot of sports, I got a cool stash, I'm a little funny, I'm yellow, and I'm square. NINED Squarepants Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Dr. Christy Keeler. View the Educational Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.Keith Valley Middle SchoolDr. Christy KeelerEducational Virtual Museums Return to Entry
Return to Entry Artifact 4 Human Impact
Return to Entry Artifact 8 Artifact 6 Effects on Others Artifact 7
Return to Entry Habitat
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Linked citation goes here Since the Delaware bay is so close to many nuclear energy plants, pollution affects the Delaware Bay and also blue crabs. Return to Exhibit
Linked citation goes here Many people go to the Delaware Bay to fish, but many people bring stuff to eat, so they just throw the trash in the water. That affects the water so it kills the crabs. Return to Exhibit
Linked citation goes here Because of the Blue Crabs delectable meat many people want to eat it, therefore many fishers fish them. Return to Exhibit
Linked citation goes here People that are not fishers kill blue crabs and take their feet and arms and they sell them. Return to Exhibit
Linked citation goes here The blue crabs live in oysters reef because it is an oyster predator. Return to Exhibit
Linked citation goes here The blue crab usually moves because of environmenta l changes. Return to Exhibit
Linked citation goes here The blue crab moves to the bottom of its habitat to lay eggs. Return to Exhibit
Linked citation goes here Blue Crabs are found in estuaries. Return to Exhibit
Linked citation goes here Blue Crabs mostly live in the Atlantic. Return to Exhibit
Linked citation goes here Blue Crabs stay in the Delaware Bay to look for oysters to eat. Return to Exhibit
Linked citation goes here Blue Crabs use there blue skin to hide in the ocean from his predators. Return to Exhibit
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Linked citation goes here Most blue crabs In the gulf of Mexico died from the BP oil. The effects of this oil spill still exists, killing more as we speak. The BP oil spill wiped out much marine wild life. Return to Exhibit
Linked citation goes here Sharks Attack!!!! Blue crabs are dropping like Flies!!!! For them to survive the dangerous ocean water they need to avoid sharks attacks! Return to Exhibit
Linked citation goes here Crabs are eaten as food because humans eat them to nourish their bodies. To humans, crabs are healthy and so tasty. Return to Exhibit
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Linked citation goes here Egg Larvae: Zoeae Megalops Juvenile Adult Return to Exhibit
Linked citation goes here Blue crabs can swim in deep water! Return to Exhibit
Linked citation goes here Male crabs dance to attract mates. Return to Exhibit
Linked citation goes here Blue crabs are being Over harvested every day 24/7, by humans who use them for food/trading and goods. Return to Exhibit
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Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit