Inclusive Inclusive organizations are diverse at all levels. The decisions they make incorporate a wide range of viewpoints and perspectives, which promotes responsiveness and adaptability. Communication is more effective when inclusivity is valued. Inclusivity appears in many forms, ranging from diversity and cultural competency trainings to providing opportunities for partners, peers and grantees to share feedback on your organization’s performance. Organizations whose communication strategy is shaped by a multitude of opinions tend to be more precise, honed, and focused at telling their story.
Inclusive Inclusive 85% Percentage of respondents who agree that effective communication is essential for engaging all of the people the organization works with.
Inclusive Inclusive 180 Number of foundations that have signed on to Philanthropy’s Promise.
Inclusive Inclusive 26 Number of philanthropic organizations in the D5 Coalition to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in philanthropy.
Inclusive Inclusive 30+ Number of foundations who have made their Grantee Perceptions Reports public as an act of transparency.
Inclusive Inclusive 86% Percentage of nonprofit board members in the U.S. who are white (non-Latino). A mere 7 percent are African American or black, and 3.5 percent are Latino.
Inclusive “ “If we don't tell our story about why the work we do matters in the community, people won't know what we stand for and won't have a reason to engage with and be excited by what we’re trying to achieve.” EXECUTIVE LEADER Community Foundation
Inclusive “ “Communication is a form of engagement. Change does not happen unless key stakeholders are engaged in substantive conversations, meaningful relationships, and practical actions that demonstrate change-making.” EXECUTIVE LEADER Private Foundation
Inclusive “ “Communication is important because the work only gets done if the people doing it and the people being helped understand what we are doing, why we are doing it, how well we are doing it, and what comes next.” EXECUTIVE LEADER Private Foundation
Inclusive How do you include your community?
Inclusive How do you define diversity?
Inclusive What changes can be made to incorporate more viewpoints?