Jule’ Colvin, President & CEO
A grant is….. A gift of money from an organization, usually a foundation or government entity, not an individual donor, that does not have to be repaid. Grants are given to non-profits for such costs as: administrative, programs, capital purchases, equipment, capacity building, training, building, rehab.
Diversify your funding base Build strategic relationships Expand marketing options Develop new programs Fund capital expenses Cover operating costs Strategic Growth
MethodCost Return on Investment Direct mail to general lists (non donors)115%-15% Special Events50% Planned Giving25%75% Direct mail to prior donors20%80% Foundations/Corporations20%80% Major Gifts5-10%90-95% National Average, all methods:20%80% Why would you spend $1.15 in order to raise $1.00 through direct mailings to general lists? By soliciting foundations and corporations, you would spend 20 cents to raise $1.00. *James Greenfield, Fund-Raising: Evaluating and Managing the Fund Development Process
Private Foundations Community Foundations Government Corporate Foundations
Is your agency capable of doing what you say? Will you handle their money well? Will you have social ROI? Bottom Line - Funders Are Social Investors. They Want To Know:
A Sound Program That Incorporates : Measurable Outcomes Best Practices Good Use of Resources – In Kind, Volunteers, Collaboration Qualified Staff Success Rates & Stories Evaluation/Follow-Up Innovative Piece
A Sound Agency That Shows: A Board That Gives & Is Active Solid Financials Sufficient/Balanced Budget Past Funding Variety of Funding Sources Administrative vs Program Spending Sound Record Keeping
A Well Written Proposal Clear & Succinct Follows Directions to the Letter Heart & Head Focus Stories Included Shows You Want to Help the Funder Achieve Their Goals
Board List/Involvement501 (c) (3) LetterTwo Years of FinancialsStaff ResumesJob DescriptionsOther Funding SourcesAgency /Program BudgetPast SuccessesSupport Letters/CollaborationsWritten Plans Basic Tool Box:
Relationships Amount You Need is Reasonable for Funder ROI on preparation vs. award Your Focus/Target Population Matches Type of Request Matches (Capital Campaign, Admin, Etc) Geographic Match Religious Match
Foundation Search Foundation Center Newsletters Library Grants.gov City and County Websites
Keyword Search Dig deeper – Who? When? What? Amount? Where? Process to apply Dates to apply Can you call them? Sample Foundation Prospect List -index -index
Review DAC and ABC Apps Is this a good match? What will I need? Follow the directions completely. Leave enough time for reviews.