COURSE STRUCTURE (Biochemical Program) SEMESTER I SESSION 2011/2012
Course code: KKKB3543 Course title: Biomaterial Engineering Course status:Department Lecturers:Dr. Darman Nordin Dr. Yuliana Yuhana SEMESTER I SESSION 2012/2013
3 hours per week including tutorials for 10 weeks DayTimeRoom Monday2-4 pmBS2 (Lecture) Wednesday8-9 amBS10 (Lecture/Tutorial) Lectures Timetable
This course is intended to provide a general understanding of the multidisciplinary field of biomaterials engineering. Students will be introduced to the properties of biomaterials, surface modification and characterization techniques. Furthermore, the understanding about the interactions at the interface of material and biological systems, classes and application of biomaterials will also be emphasized in this course. Synopsis
Main: Reatner B. D., A. S. Hoffman, F. J. Schoen, J. E. Lemons Biomaterials Science, Third Edition: An Introduction to Materials in Medicine. Elsevier Academic Press Additional: Guelcher, S. A. and Hollinger, J. O An Introduction to Biomaterials. CRC Press. Park, J. B., Bronzino, J. D Biomaterials: Principles and Applications. CRC Press. Temenoff, J. S., Mikos, A. G Biomaterials: The Intersection of Biology and Materials. Pearson Prentice Hall. Lecture notes: I-Folio (under KKKB3543) References
Ability to differentiate between the scientific and the regulatory definition of biomaterials. Ability to describe concepts of biomaterials properties. Ability to describe mechanism of surface modification and characterization techniques. Ability to describe interactions at the interface of material and biological systems Ability to differentiate between the various classes of biomaterials and be able to provide examples of each class of its application. Course Learning Outcomes
WeekTopics 1Introduction toBiomaterials 2Properties of Biomaterials 3 Surface modification Methods 4 Surface characterization Techniques 5 Protein-surface interaction 6 Host reaction to Biomaterials 7 Biological Testing of Biomaterials Mid Sem Exam 8 Classes of Biomaterials 9 Degradation of Biomaterials 10 Application of Biomaterials 11-14Integrated Project Teaching Plan
Lectures Tutorial/Exercises Integrated Project Exams Modes of Delivery and Assessment
1 hour tutorial class per week. Total of 5 tutorials. Tutorial contribute 10% towards the total marks of this course. Tutorials
Mid Semester Examination: On week 7 or 8 1½ hr ANSWER ALL QUEASTIONS Contributes 25-30% towards the total marks Final Examination 2 ½ hrs 6 questions – ANSWER FOUR ONLY Contributes 40-50% towards the total marks Examinations
Integrates all the departmental core courses during Semester I Group project – consists of 4-5 students per group. Written report and oral presentation. Assessment – peer and group work. Contributes 20-25% towards the total marks of this course. Integrated Project
Assessment Distribution Tutorials 5-10% Integrated Project20-25% Midsem Exam25-30% Final Exam 40-50% TOTAL 100%
Activity Week Traditional lectures (including quizzes and lab) Introduction to integrated project Delivery of integrated project task Introduction to professional chemical engineering software Submission of literature review and PFD Industrial visit / talk Completion of Integrated Project Submission of final report and oral presentation Overview and comments Activities for the whole semester