UNESCO Chair “Environmental Education in Siberia”, Altai State Technical University, Barnaul, Russia.


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Presentation transcript:

UNESCO Chair “Environmental Education in Siberia”, Altai State Technical University, Barnaul, Russia

The main field: Water Education and Science for Sustainable Development Annual International Schools on Water Resources Management (Russia, ASTU, )

1997 Tison Award (IAHS)

1999 nd 2 UNESCO Symposium “Environmental Education for Sustainable Development” in Barnaul, Russia (UNESCO Participation Program)

“Siberian Educational Reform to assist Environmental Protection” TEMPUS-project 21/12/1998 – 20/12/2001 Participants of the INTAS-project from EU: Austria:Vrije Universiteit Brussel France: Ecole des Mines de Paris Greece:Aristotle University of Thessaloniks From RF: Altai State Technical University

River basins: Ob (RF) Seine (France) Senne (Belgium) Commission of European Communities-project: INTAS Water quality management information tools for river basins based on environmental and economic considerations