Introduction to Geography
What is Geography? Geography is the study of the world, its people, and the landscapes they create. Geography is both a science and a social science.
Geography as a Science Many geographers want to know how the world works. (examples: what creates tornadoes, what causes mountains to form, etc.) As scientists, geographers look at the data that they collect about places.
Geography as a Social Science Some geographers study people and their lives. A social science is a field that studies people and the relationships among them.
Levels To fully understand how the world works, geographers look at places at three different levels. Local Level Regional Level Global Level
Regional Level A region is a part of the world that has one or more common features that distinguish it from surrounding areas.
Global Level In order to look at the world on a global level, geographers ask how events and ideas from one region of the world affect people in other regions. Geographers who study the world on a global level try to find relationships among people who live far apart.
A Geographer’s Tools A map is a flat drawing that shows all or part of the Earth’s surface. A globe is a spherical, or ball shaped model of the entire planet.