Year 4 revised curriculum Sept 2015. Terms Autumn 1 st Half Term= 8 weeks 7 weeks topic 1 week Harvest/ showing assembly to parents Autumn 2 nd Half Term=


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Presentation transcript:

Year 4 revised curriculum Sept 2015

Terms Autumn 1 st Half Term= 8 weeks 7 weeks topic 1 week Harvest/ showing assembly to parents Autumn 2 nd Half Term= 7 weeks 5 weeks topic and 2 weeks Christmas focus Parent workshop, Carols, Party Spring 1 st half term= 5 weeks Parents evening Spring 2 nd Half term= 6 weeks Showing Assembly Summer 1 st Half term=- 7 weeks Showing Assembly Summer 2 nd Half Term=- 7 weeks Showing Assembly

Year 4 Year Overview Autumn 1 st Half term- Invaders and Settlers (History and Art Drivers) Autumn 2 nd Half term- Invaders and Settlers (History and Art Drivers) Spring 1 st Half term- Let There Be Light- (Science and DT Drivers) Spring 2 nd Half term- The Sound of Music (Science, Music and Art Drivers) Summer 1 st Half term- Up, Up and Away! (Geography, Science and Art Drivers) Summer 2 nd Half term- Who Lives In a House Like This? ( Science and Geography Drivers)

Year 4 Year English Overview

Year 4 Year Computing Overview

Year 4 Year PHSCE Overview

First Hand Experiences

Autumn Over View (7 and 6) Invaders and Settlers Romans Anglo Saxons Vikings Europe- locating Italy/ Pennywell (First week back) Romans and 3D Clay ongoing (5 weeks) Pizza making (DT) 1 Week Anglo Saxons and Vikings (6 weeks) History Art DT

History and DT skills- Autumn term Historical study: Use a range of documents and printed sources Reliable and unreliable sources Identify best sources Use graphs and charts to confirm information from sources. Give reasons for change through analysing evidence. Historical knowledge and awareness: Understand differences in social, religious, political and cultural history. Understand links between history and geography Know some similarities and differences within a period of time e.g. rich v poor. Describe how things in the past affect life today. Understand differences between beliefs and action in historical change. Chronology and change: Use full range of dates and historical terms Use a time line to place events, period and cultural movements. Show changes on time line. Describe and make links between events and changes. DT: Design and develop: Collect and use information to generate ideas Understand designs must meet range of criteria and constraints Think ahead about the order of their work. Making: Measure accurately in grams. Product evaluation: Talk about what they like and dislike, with reasons. Develop designs. Evaluate food by taste, texture, flavour etc.

Autumn 1 st Half Mid Term Plan

Autumn 2nd Half Mid Term Plan

Harvest and Christmas Focus Harvest Poetry Christmas Craft (cards,etc)

Spring Term Over View (5 and 6) Let There Be Light! Circuits and Conductors (Science) Torches (DT) Sound (Science) Painting with Music Pentatonic / Dragon scales 2 Science topics DT 2 Music topics The Sound Of Music

Science, DT and Music Skills Spring Term Science: Observation and Conclusion- Make systematic and careful observations and comparisons, compare observations over time, categorise observations and make theories. Provide explanations using scientific language. Use precise scientific language. Enquiry, prediction and testing: Decide on best approaches for enquiry, make predictions based on scientific knowledge, Describe of show how to vary a factor and keep others the same. Repeat tests and explain difference. Review work and check predictions, suggest improvements, giving reasons. Data collection: Recognise importance of evidence collected, Compare and identify data patterns, Question others about their work. Know the work of some scientists. Count and measure quantities accurately. Use sources of information to analyse. Recording: Use range of scientific conventions, understand and begin to use quantitative and qualitative data. Record data and present in tables, charts, line graphs etc. Order results scientifically. DT: Design and develop: Collect and use information to generate ideas. Consider the way the product will be used. Take users views into account. Use electricity to create motion of light Understand designs must meet range of criteria and constraints. Think ahead about the order of their work. Making: Increasingly model ideas before making. Use permanent and temporary fastenings to join.. Combine materials for strength and to improve how product looks. Join with a greater range of techniques e.g. stapling. Strengthen joins and corners in variety of ways. Product evaluation: Talk about what they like and dislike, with reasons. Develop design- Evaluate food by taste, texture, flavour etc Music INSERT ALL RAINBOW CURRICULUM MUSIC SKILLS.

Spring 1 st Half Mid Term Plan

Spring 2nd Half Mid Term Plan

Summer Term Over View 7 and 7 Weeks Miranda the Explorer Lines, marks and forming shapes Hot Air balloons Changing State Living things and habitats, including humans Field Work Textiles- printing camouflage Science Geography Textiles DT Who lives in a house like this? Up, Up and Away!

Science, Geography and textiles Skills Summer Term Science: Observation and Conclusion- Make systematic and careful observations and comparisons, compare observations over time, categorise observations and make theories. Provide explanations using scientific language. Use precise scientific language. Enquiry, prediction and testing: Decide on best approaches for enquiry, make predictions based on scientific knowledge, Describe of show how to vary a factor and keep others the same. Repeat tests and explain difference. Review work and check predictions, suggest improvements, giving reasons. Data Collection: Recognise importance of evidence collected, Compare and identify data patterns, Question others about their work. Know the work of some scientists. Count and measure quantities accurately. Use sources of information to analyse. Recording: Use range of scientific conventions, understand and begin to use quantitative and qualitative data. Record data and present in tables, charts, line graphs etc. Order results scientifically. Geography: Geographical study and field work: Draw on own knowledge and understanding when setting up a field work investigation. Examine, question, analyse what is discovered, using a range of evidence. Discriminate between different sources of information Maps: Read and use the symbols on an OS map. Use four figure grid references to locate points on a map. Identify time differences around the world. Plan a route and work out distance using map scales, Knowledge and Understanding: Begin to recognise geographical patterns, and identify through aerial photographs Understand why people choose to live in contrasting areas. Compares the lives of people in two different environments or places. Understand how people can both improve and damage the environment. Explain the process of erosion and deposition, and its effects on people Consider the future of some physical and human features, based on an understanding of change. Explain their own views on environmental change and topical issues and compare these with the views of others, evaluating the arguments of each Textiles: Exploring and developing: Plan work carefully before beginning Use other cultures and times as a stimulus Using Materials: Use a combination of visual and tactile ideas. Combine different materials in different ways. Make specific choices between different processes and materials.

Additional Science Objectives- Summer Term Science: See Rainbow Curriculum section on ‘Working Scientifically’. Animals including humans: Describe simple functions of basic parts of digestive system in humans. Identify types of teeth in humans and simple functions. Construct and interpret food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey. Living things and habitats: Recognise that living things can grouped in a variety of ways. Explore and group classification keys to group, identify and name things in local and wider environment. Recognise that environments can change and pose danger to living things. States of matter: Compare and group materials according to solids, liquids and gase. Observe that some materials can be changed by heating and cooling., and measure of recor the temp that this happens in degrees C. Identify the part played by evaporation an d condensation in the water cycle and associate rate of evaporation with temperature.

Summer 1st Half Mid Term Plan Science Art and Design Computing Design and Technology GeographyHistoryMFLMusic PSE/ SMSC PEREWriting Enhancem ents Visits/ visitors Displ ay 11 th April Shape and Form Up Up and Away (investigate a country / map skills) Miranda the Explorer 18 th April 25 th April 2 nd May Textiles (hot Air Balloons and camoufl age) Degas ‘Little Dancer’ 9 th May 16 th May Lines and marks 23 rd May

Summer 2 nd Half Mid Term Plan Science Art and Design Computing Design and Technology GeographyHistoryMFLMusic PSE/ SMSC PEREWriting Enhancem ents Visits/ visitors Displ ay 6 th June Fieldwork (human and Physical geog) French Dear Greenpeace 13 th June Non-fiction texts 20 th June Changin g State 27 th June TBC 4 th July Animals and Humans (inc teeth) 11 th July 18 th July