Welcome to Mrs. Michal’s Math Class
I’m a teacher AND a person! I have a husband and three kids I’m from Huntsville, Alabama I’ve been at GSHS for the last nine years Before that I taught 8 th grade for four years Before that I taught high school for four years I AM VERY HAPPY TO BE HERE – GO TOROS!
Go Toros!
My “likes” I like kids I like to teach I like to snow ski I like to snorkel I like to go to the beach I like to cook good food I like to read
I love this little guy my grandson Caedon
My dislikes When people are mean to other people When I’m treated unfairly Whining and complaining from those around me Gossip
Will I treat you fairly? I will treat you fairly. Do not be afraid to talk to me privately if you disagree with me on anything.
What are we going to do this year? I am going to teach you what you need to know for 9 th grade, the ARMT, and SAT You will need to hold on and get ready for a serious math ride. Solving equations, graphing, and a lot more
How will you be graded? Homework 10% Class work 30% Assessments 60%
What are the class rules? CLASS RULES 1. Be courteous 2. Be prepared 3. Be on time 4. Be careful to follow all policies and procedures 5. NO GUM, FOOD, OR DRINK
Mrs. Michal’s Classroom Contract My contract consists of GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES Please copy the following guidelines
GUIDELINE #1 Be in your seat and working on the assigned bell work when the tardy bell rings.
GUIDELINE #2 Bring your book, workbook, notebook, paper, homework folder, and pencils EVERYDAY. Take them with you when you leave.
GUIDELINE #3 Follow directions the first time they are given.
GUIDELINE #4 Treat each person in this room with respect and dignity. (This is my pet peeve.) BE NICE to EVERYONE!
GUIDELINE #5 Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the SFMS and Baldwin County Schools handbook.
SPECIAL This classroom is a "No Whining Zone" I know what I need to do to prepare you for high school. No whining this year will mean success FOR YOU next year.
Guideline Infraction Notice Read it Sign it Keep it until the end of class
GUIDELINE INFRACTION NOTICE Please: Correct your behavior and/or return to task. See me after class! Signature: __________________ Date: _______ Offense:______________________________________ ___________________________________ Conference results: ________________________ ________________________________________
Choosing to follow the rules will result in: Verbal acknowledgement A stress free learning environment A pleasant and secure atmosphere Even homework passes at times
NOT choosing to the follow the rules will result in: 1 ST Offense Warning and infraction form 2 nd Offense LUNCH detention 3 rd Offense Infraction form, parent called, and detention 4 th Offense Disciplinary referral and parent called
Severe Claus Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office immediately.
Procedure #1 Entering the room Please enter quietly Turn in homework folder Have a seat Take out your materials Begin Warm Up assignment Take out your book and read the day’s section
Procedure #2 When you are tardy Enter quietly Excused: place excuse in the purple basket on the counter Unexcused: Sign the tardy list Have a seat and take out your materials 4 tardies will result in a disciplinary referral
Procedure #3 Getting your attention I will: Stand in front of the class Raise my hand Wait for everyone to be quiet Begin speaking
Procedure #4 Paper heading Pg. 17 # , 52, 53 Your Name in Cursive Date in Cursive
Procedure #5 Turning in Homework Red Homework folder – write your name in upper right corner with a permanent marker Everyday – write your paper’s heading on your homework paper before you leave class and put the paper in your folder Everyday – return your completed homework in the folder Place your homework folder in the purple crate as you enter class
Procedure #6 Student responsibility card This is for students who do not have the assigned homework Fill it out Sign and date it Put it in the purple homework folder crate Sign Homework Café log
Homework Cafe Go to HW Café on the Tues., Wed., and Thurs. of the week following your missing assignment Work is due no later than Thurs. Grade – 70% if completed Go to Monday detention if not completed on Thursday. Grade - 60% if complete Parent conference and zero if not completed on Monday
Procedure #7 Bringing Supplies Please don’t come to class without paper, pencil, notebook, homework, and book I’m teaching you responsibility by requiring this Complete a Student Responsibility form if you do not have your materials Sign Lunch Detention log for that day or following day if lunch has passed
Procedure #8 Passes from class (please not while I’m teaching) You will receive them today or tomorrow in 6 th period You may use one for a HW pass if you let me know the day before you plan to use it You may cash unused ones in for bonus points on a test – 3 points each If you use all of them and need to leave class you will have lunch detention in exchange for the privilege of leaving class
Procedure #9 3 rd and 5th periods – when you leave me get prepared for 6 th block at your locker and go quickly to 6 th period for attendance before going to lunch or break. Sit at your 6 th period teacher’s table at lunch. 4 th and 6 th periods – come to me before break and lunch. Bring your homework, supplies, have a seat for roll call.
This is going to be a great year! I’m going to give you MY BEST I know you will give me YOUR BEST too!