WeekActivitySkills 1The Maths of F1 Calculating speeds using distance and time, converting between units of measure for speed, distance and time. 2Crash Test Creating hypotheses, choosing correct tests to run, drawing conclusions from results. 3 Reducing Road Accidents Interpreting data on a large scale, detecting patterns in data, presenting an argument giving mathematical reasons. 4Track Evaluation Measuring distances and angles using a ruler and protractor, using a scaled diagram. 5Engine Setup Calculating using ratio and proportion, applying numerical reasoning. 6Race Strategy Scaled calculations involving volume, converting from distance and speed into time for race timings. 7Race WeekAll previous skills used for preparation for race. WeekActivitySkills 1The Maths of F1 Calculating speeds using distance and time, converting between units of measure for speed, distance and time. 2Crash Test Creating hypotheses, choosing correct tests to run, drawing conclusions from results. 3 Reducing Road Accidents Interpreting data on a large scale, detecting patterns in data, presenting an argument giving mathematical reasons. 4Track Evaluation Measuring distances and angles using a ruler and protractor, using a scaled diagram. 5Engine Setup Calculating using ratio and proportion, applying numerical reasoning. 6Race Strategy Scaled calculations involving volume, converting from distance and speed into time for race timings. 7Race WeekAll previous skills used for preparation for race.
Produce a road safety proposal within the given budget. Produce a road safety proposal and give evidence to support it. Use a large amount of data from the database and explains how it informs the proposal. Produces the most appropriate proposal based on all the available data. (Level 3) (Level 4) (Level 5) (Level 6) Produce a road safety proposal within the given budget. Produce a road safety proposal and give evidence to support it. Use a large amount of data from the database and explains how it informs the proposal. Produces the most appropriate proposal based on all the available data. (Level 3) (Level 4) (Level 5) (Level 6)
Run more than one test and draw a conclusion giving reasons. Set a hypothesis and run a number of comparative tests to draw a conclusion. Set more than one hypothesis and run every relevant test to draw a conclusion. Present a detailed analysis based on every available test. (Level 3) (Level 4) (Level 5) (Level 6) Run more than one test and draw a conclusion giving reasons. Set a hypothesis and run a number of comparative tests to draw a conclusion. Set more than one hypothesis and run every relevant test to draw a conclusion. Present a detailed analysis based on every available test. (Level 3) (Level 4) (Level 5) (Level 6)
Identify track features and details, prepare a car for racing. Identify track features and details accurately, prepare a car to complete race. Fully evaluates track correctly and prepares car competitively through testing. Continually improves practise race time through more and more accurate calculation. (Level 3) (Level 4) (Level 5) (Level 6) Identify track features and details, prepare a car for racing. Identify track features and details accurately, prepare a car to complete race. Fully evaluates track correctly and prepares car competitively through testing. Continually improves practise race time through more and more accurate calculation. (Level 3) (Level 4) (Level 5) (Level 6)
What do you want to find out about the crashes? What patterns will you be looking for in the database? Once you find this out, how might it change the policies you choose?