LHC-YETS Coordination meeting #9 24 th November, 2015
Information generales Toutes les demandes de consignation via Impact LHC- YETS: de Lundi 14 6am, au Vendredi 4 Mars LHC sera sous le control BE-OP a partir du 4 Mars IMPACT: intervention period YETS-LHC-2015/16: Les IMPACTs doivent etre soumis avant le 1er Decembre Téléphone piquet: – du Lundi 14 Decembre jusqu’à mi-Mars Planning de detail: /Global%20Schedules/Forms/AllItems.aspxhttps://espace.cern.ch/en-dep-mef-lpc/YETS /Global%20Schedules/Forms/AllItems.aspx INDICO : LHC machine Schedule for LHC TS3 EDMS
3 Informations generales LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO W51 – du 14 au 18 Decembre Blindages ouverts exceptionnelment Machine en restreint automatique Jeudi 17 Machine en mode restreint Tous les blindages fermes IMPACTS interrompus (Excepté les interventions du vendredi et celles prevues pendant le Xstmas break) Pendant les 2wks de Noel : TI garde la machine Access en surface et souterrain en mode restreint (accès avec clé et depuis la CCC) À partir du 4 Janvier : Machine en mode générale (surface et souterrain) Patrouille à refaire pendant la W8 pour le test DSO Test DSO le 26 Février Machine rendue à OP le 4 Mars Consignations pendant la W51 circuits demandes via IMPACT Déconsignation W9 (du 29 Février au 4 Mars)
Actions 4 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO PIQUET Quelles activités ont besoin d’un service de piquet pendant le Xmas Break? CONSIGNATION 60A qui en a besoin? Points ouverts CV&CRG -Maintenance CV au P18 -Cryo start du secteur 12 -No CV P2
YETS schedule overview – as 17 th Nov. 5 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO LHC back to OP on 4 th March Powering tests from 5 th to 16 th March Experiments closed on 16 th March Machine check out 17 th and 18 th March OBSOLETE
YETS schedule overview- main changes 6 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO CRG CRG Sectors 78 and 81 will be emptied of Liquid Helium Cryo back on the whole LHC machine on 4 th March – Sectors 34 and 45 some days before BE-BI & VSC BSRT replacement in LSS4 during W51 BWS change (ferrite) is not a baseline – could be done according to the evolution of the YETS MSC No intervention on ULO and No magnet exchange (sector 81) EN-EL Systematic inspection of Bus Bars to be realised – To be added in the schedule ELQA Investigations on the RCS is sector 78 can be realised in January, and the decision to realise ELQA before the restart will be taken in Chamonix If ELQA will be realised during HWC Powering tests Extension allocated - from 5 th March to 16 th March. Some UPS tests included in this period. Experiments Readiness' of Atlas and CMS will be confirmed in Chamonix
7 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO LHC back to OP on 4 th March Powering tests from 5 th to 16 th March Experiments closed on 16 th March Machine check out from 17 th to 20 th March YETS schedule overview – as 24 th Nov.
LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS EDMS: Test Secours (10min) All points on 17 th December (7am) Works on the Automatism & Circuit Breaker LHC5 + CMS 21 st – 24 th December No Access in the Surface & Underground Areas LHC1 + ATLAS25 th January (ATLAS ok) LHC2 + ALICE9 th February LHC35 th February LHC46 th January LHC5 + CMS 5 th January LHC614 th January LHC715 th January LHC8 + LHCb7 th January PM1812 th February Prevessin13 th February (Saturday) Meyrin + Adm.2 nd or 3 rd January Meyrin W. + ISR23 rd January BA8023 rd February BA8124 th February BA th February PS + B9 th & 10 th January BA119 th January BA220 th January BA321 st January BA4 + CNGS13 th January BA510 th February BA611 th February BA74 th February AUG Test Auto Transfer Test Previous & final works from 28 th January until 1 st February (access possible) No access LHC1 + ATLAS + LHC18 + SPS6 + SPS7 on 30 th January (Saturday) Activités Électriques
Secteur 12 9 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO Major players: -Collimator 5 th axis -TDI replacement -Swap bake-out of TDI8 with TDI2? -AFP control cabling? -WCC in RR17
Secteur LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO Major players: -PX24 confirmation? -Cleaning UJ32 confirm w1 & w2? -PM32 consolidation 2 nd Phase from 15 th January? -LSS3 opened from 4 th January
Secteur LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO Major players: -LSS3 opened from 4 th January -LSS4 closed from 22 nd February
Secteur LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO Major players: -Collimator 5 th axis -LSS4 closed from 22 nd February
Secteur LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO Major players: -Collimator 5 th axis -TOTEM cabling?
Secteur LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO Major players: -Access LSS7 from 2 nd February
Secteur LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO Major players: -Collimator TCLA.D6R7.B1 replacement (TBC) -Access LSS7 from 2 nd February
Secteur LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO Major players: -Collimator 5 th axis -TDI -Swap bake-out of TDI8 with TDI2? -WCC in RR13
Touts les points 17 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
LSS1L 18 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
Point 1 19 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
LSS1R 20 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
PM18 & Arc12 21 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
LSS2L 22 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
Point 2 23 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
LSS2R & Arc23 24 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
LSS3L & Point 3 25 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
PM32 & LSS3R & Arc34 26 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
LSS4L 27 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
Point 4 28 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
LSS4R & Arc45 29 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
LSS5L 30 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
LSS5R & Arc56 31 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
LSS6L 32 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
Point 6 33 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
LSS6R & Arc67 34 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
LSS7L & Point 7 35 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
LSS7R & Arc78 36 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
LSS8L & Point 8 37 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
LSS8R & Arc81 38 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO
39 Coming events Next meeting Tuesday 1 st December, Room From 8h30 to 10h00 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, EDMS , INDICO