RENCP General Assembly By Vincent MURENZI 21 st October Tel
Updates from recent WG activities The general assembly held on 23 rd September 2014 discussed the following: Activity progress per individual institutions: ADRA/HI continue to promote inclusive education in Karongi, Rutsiro, Nyamasheke and Rusizi Districts (40 schools and 2 TTCs of Mururu and Rubengera) VSO/HI test norms and standards for quality inclusive education in Rubavu and Kamonyi districts (24 pilot schools) ALARM runs the Institute of Women for Excellence in Rwamagana – this includes girls with disabilities NUDOR continues to monitor the enrollment of CwDs in 9YBE in 5 Districts (Gakenke, Ngororero, Gatsibo, Nyaruguru and Gasabo);
Updates from recent WG activities We for Rwanda (Kibirizi) promotes education of children with mild/moderate intellectual disabilities (aged 7-12 years UR- College of Education opened a school of Inclusive and Special Needs Education in September 2014 NCPD is leading the production of the next RSL dictionary UNICEF supports evidence generation: working with MINEDUC on situational analysis of factors influencing access to quality education for children with disabilities NUDOR presented about how to ensure projects are sustainable
Updates from the Joint learning and sharing event conducted on 7 th October 2014 Things learnt: The CEFAPEK resource centre smoothly works with mainstream schools; Teachers have adopted inclusive pedagogical practices; Schools have developed accessibility; The resource rooms and transitional classes help to provide particular educational interventions; Parents are actively involved in promoting IE and support services. Things to improve: Render more formal parents’ involvement in physiotherapy Improve hygiene and accessibility in schools Formalize referral services for CwDs.
Next Quarter WG Key Activities Conduct a deep analysis and survey on IE projects’ sustainability; Upcoming policy reviews; Contribution to the ESSP’s progress evaluation (outcome 2) with focus on special and inclusive education.