Module 3:Using Additional Question formats First we have to get back into our survey 1. Log onto Survey Monkey by going to the website at Click sign in upper right hand corner. 3. Enter the CSE user name CSEGraduatePrograms and password. 4. Click “My Surveys” and locate your survey. Using the Professional Account of Survey Monkey February
Now it’s time to ask insert other survey questions. 1. First click “Add a new page” 2. Give the page a title; having a title can help you later when you want to proofread your survey. 3. Now let’s view the question formats. We will discuss the three most common formats. Comment/Essay Box Multiple Choice (Only One Answer) Multiple Choice (Multiple Answers) Using the Professional Account of Survey Monkey February
Comment/Essay Box Advantage of including. Start a new page and title it “Additional comments” Select question format Comment/Essay Box. Click Size and Placement Options 100 characters wide usually makes sense Number of lines relates to your study topic. How long do you anticipate a “typical” response? Using the Professional Account of Survey Monkey February
Multiple Choice (Only One Answer) Be sure that allowing only one answer is appropriate e.g. Are you a graduate student, or a faculty member? Decide whether you want to include an n/a or other. If you decide to add “other, you probably want to disable “Make this an answer choice.” Otherwise respondents would have to insert a comment to continue with the survey. Using the Professional Account of Survey Monkey February
Multiple Choice (Multiple Answers) Be sure that allowing more than one response is appropriate. E.g. “How do you plan to use Survey Monkey?” Select question format. Consider options Advantage of alphabetizing; does not “privilege” responses. Adding “other” You probably want to disable “Make this an answer choice.” Otherwise respondents would have to insert a comment to continue with the survey. Using the Professional Account of Survey Monkey February