Victims of Vesuvius In 79 AD
Aerial view of Bay of Naples
Aerial view of Pompeii
Forum, aerial view.
Forum looking to Vesuvius
Pompeii looking Nth West Amphitheatre with Vesuvius behind
Amphitheatre again
Gladiator’s view
Gladiator school
The Gladiator’s Quarters
Main Theatre
Another view
Little Theatre
A Pantomime
A mural of a cockfight
Thermopolium in Herculaneum
Pompeii couple Painting from a wall showing a Roman couple.
Three couples on a picnic
Marina Gate
Via dia Nola
Via Stabiana
Pompeii street. Notice the wheel ruts Notice wheel ruts in the road.
Temple of Isis
Temple of Jupiter
Temple of Apollo
Stabian Baths
The cold bath
The Palestra
A Brothel
Casa de Vettii May have been a house of gambling and prostitution.
Decorations on the walls in the house of Vetti
House of Vetti kitchen
A Dog
A Boathouse in Herculaneum
House of the surgeon
“Pompeii red”
Pompeii pottery
Example of floor mosiac
A reconstruction of how it was?
Mills and Baker’s oven
A ‘fast food” bar
Villa of the Mysteries
House of the Venus Maria
Vesuvius in the Background
Modern Herculaneum
Vesuvius from the opposite side to Pompeii.
Naples with Vesuvius.