English I, Unit 5 Mr. David Castillo M.
Unit 5: What are you doing? What are you doing right now? What are people doing in Australia right now? What are people in Los Angeles doing right now?
What time is it there?
Answer the following questions. 1- Where is John calling from? ______________________________ 2- What time is it in Australia? 3- What time is it in LA?
Look at these clocks. What time is it?
Say each time in a different way.
Conversation: I’m hungry!
Answer the following questions. 1- What is Steve doing? ________________________________ 2- What time is it? 3- Why is Steve cooking at that time? _________________________________
Present continuous. Wh-questions.
Ask and asnwer the questions about the pictures.
What are the people doing in the pictures?
READING. Go to page 35. Read the conversation and answer the questions.