Traditional Definition of Repest vs. Dr. Lawrence-Lightfoot’s New Definition Read the Introduction carefully and identify the most important quote. Document the quote (direct vs. indirect) in the MLA format. Mention the full name for the first time, then use the last only throughout your essay. Work with your quote and analyze it critically; Comparison and contrast; Definition Illustration by examples/data, etc.
Road Map
Six Windows on Respect
The Parallel Structure at the different level Diction (choice of word) Syntax (sentence level) Paragraph (in prose) Stanza (in poetry) Essay Level Book Level
Alliteration Define Alliteration (what) and explain how it is used; Identify three instances where alliteration is used to enhance a musical effect:
Make Connections Brainstorming for the Conference Respect vs. Gestalt Respect vs. Gestalt Switch (figure/ground) Respect vs. juxtaposition Respect vs. Internal Frames; Traditional vs. new definition of respect Confucian frame work on human relationships;
Five-Fold Network of Human Relationships Ruler vs. subject; Father vs. son; Husband vs. wife; Elder brother vs. younger brother; Friend vs. friend; Two features: hierarchy & reciprocity What do you respect: a person or a title?
Sources of Dispect Paralysis vs. respect; Habit; One’s cultural breeding; Innocently Insensitive to others; Ethnocentrism (two definitions) Social Darwinism (Herbert Spencer)
Brainstorming Respect vs. Exclusive Practice (consult the CUSP learning goals) Respect & Empathy (case study of Maya Lin) Argumentation as an act of empathy; Point vs. counterpoint
Source-Based Argument How to be informative notes/marginalia/technical/intra- textual/ How to be argumentative Point vs. counterpoint
Requirement Prepare one-page long manuscript for your presentation at the conference; November 27 th in-class presentation; November 30 th at the North Creek Event Center from 9:00 to 11:30 am; This is part of your grades (5 point for your panel discussion at the conference)