DNA Making Protein DNA Technolog y Misc. DNA Problems
Question: What are the three parts of a nucleotide? Check Your Answer DNA for 200
Answer: sugar, base, phosphate Back to the Game Board DNA for 200
Question: 4 bases found in DNA Check Your Answer DNA for 400
Answer: Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine Back to the Game Board DNA for 400
Question: Three ways that DNA is different from RNA Check Your Answer DNA for 600
Answer: DNA - double stranded, deoxyribose sugar, thymine RNA - single stranded, ribose sugar, uracil Back to the Game Board DNA for 600
Question: Where does DNA replication take place? Check Your Answer DNA for 800
Answer: nucleus Back to the Game Board DNA for 800
Question: What enzyme is involved in DNA replication? Check Your Answer DNA for 1000
Answer: DNA Polymerase Back to the Game Board DNA for 1000
Question: What is the monomer of proteins? Check Your Answer Making Protein for 200
Answer: amino acids Back to the Game Board Waves for 200 Making Protein for 200
Question: The type of bond that holds amino acids together in a protein Check Your Answer Waves for 400 Making Protein for 400
Answer: peptide bond Back to the Game Board Waves for 400 Making Protein for 400
Question: 3 types of RNA Check Your Answer Waves for 600 Making Protein for 600
Answer: mRNA, tRNA, rRNA Back to the Game Board Waves for 600 Making Protein for 600
Question: Process that occurs in the nucleus and makes a strand of mRNA from a DNA template Check Your Answer Waves for 800 Making Protein for 800
Answer: Transcription Back to the Game Board Waves for 800 Making Protein for 800
Question: Process that occurs on ribosomes in the cytoplasm that builds chains of amino acids based on the mRNA Check Your Answer Waves for 1000 Making Protein for 1000
Answer: translation Back to the Game Board Waves for 1000 Making Protein for 1000
Question: A possible source of mutation Check Your Answer DNA Problems for 200
Answer: Error in replication, X-rays, UV radiation, chemicals Back to the Game Board DNA Problems for 200
Question: A picture of chromosomes arranged by size used to detect chromosomal abnormalities Check Your Answer DNA Problems for 400
Answer: karyotype Back to the Game Board DNA Problems for 400
Question: A genetic test done to draw cells to cultivate in order to make a karyotype Check Your Answer DNA Problems for 600
Answer: Amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling Back to the Game Board DNA Problems for 600
Question: Two types of mutations that shift the reading frame Check Your Answer DNA Problems for 800
Answer: insertion, deletion Back to the Game Board DNA Problems for 800
Question: 4 types of chromosomal mutations Check Your Answer DNA Problems for 1000
Answer: translocation, inversion, deletion, duplication Back to the Game Board DNA Problems for 1000
Question: A cell in the body whose job is not yet determined Check Your Answer DNA Technology for 200
Answer: stem cell Back to the Game Board DNA Technology for 200
Question: DNA technology used to identify crime suspects Check Your Answer DNA Technology for 400
Answer: DNA fingerprint Back to the Game Board DNA Technology for 400
Question: An organism that is an exact genetic copy of another organism Check Your Answer DNA Technology for 600
Answer: Clone Back to the Game Board DNA Technology for 600
Question: A type of technology in which the DNA of one organism is inserted into another organism Check Your Answer DNA Technology for 800
Answer: Recombinant DNA Back to the Game Board DNA Technology for 800
Question: One way that Recombinant DNA technology is useful to us Check Your Answer DNA Technology for 1000
Answer: making insulin, genetically modified foods Back to the Game Board DNA Technology for 1000
Question: Failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis Check Your Answer Misc. for 200
Answer: nondisjunction Back to the Game Board Misc. for 200
Question: Inherited disorder that results from three copies of the 21st chromosome (caused by nondisjunction) Check Your Answer Chemical Bonds for 400 Misc. for 400
Answer: Down Syndrome Back to the Game Board Chemical Bonds for 400 Misc. for 400
Question: Three nucleotides on a mRNA that code for an amino acid Check Your Answer Chemical Bonds for 600 Misc. for 600
Answer: codon Back to the Game Board Chemical Bonds for 600 Misc. for 600
Question: An anticodon is found on this type of RNA Check Your Answer Chemical Bonds for 800 Misc. for 800
Answer: tRNA Back to the Game Board Chemical Bonds for 800 Misc. for 800
Question: The type of nucleic acid that can leave the nucleus Check Your Answer Chemical Bonds for 1000 Misc. for 1000
Answer: RNA Back to the Game Board Chemical Bonds for 1000 Misc. for 1000