The Suffolk Libraries Presents… ‘Beyond the Book’ Thunks!
Are you ready to thunk? A thunk is a simple-looking question about everyday things. There is no correct answer. Let’s try some!
Thunk #1 Can you judge a book by its cover? What do you thunk?
Thunk #2 Is a book lighter when all its words have been read? What do you thunk?
Thunk #3 Do you always learn something when you open a book? What do you thunk?
Thunk #4 If you borrow all the books from a library, is it still a library? What do you thunk?
Thunk #5 If you read a magazine in a shop but don’t buy it, is that stealing? What do you thunk?
Thunk #6 Movies are better than books because they show you what is happening. What do you thunk?
Thunk #7 You only need to read a book once to fully understand it What do you thunk?
Thunk #8 “If a book about failures doesn't sell, is it a success?” What do you thunk?
Thunk #97 “The best books are those that teach you something new.” What do you thunk?
Thunk #10 “Every book should start with Once upon a time…” What do you thunk?
Thunk #11 The most valuable thing in your wallet is your library card What do you thunk?
Thunk #12 Reading is a waste of time What do you thunk?
Thunk #13 Books can be more loyal than friends What do you thunk?
Thunk #14 Adults should never read children’s books What do you thunk?
Thunk #15 Words can do more damage than bullets What do you thunk?
Thunk #16 Reading a book can be just as exhausting as running a marathon What do you thunk?
Thunk #17 The truth is often stranger than fiction What do you thunk?
Thunk #18 Longer books should cost more money than shorter books What do you thunk?
Thunk #19 Reading can be as addictive as drugs What do you thunk?
Thunk #20 Books make it possible for humans to travel through time What do you thunk?
Thunk #21 Every book should have a happy ending What do you thunk?
Thunk #22 Books can make you rich What do you thunk?
Thunk #23 Rereading a book is pointless What do you thunk?
Thunk #24 You MUST finish every book you start What do you thunk?
Thunk #25 Everyone has an interesting story inside them What do you thunk?
Thunk #26 Books with pictures in them are only suitable for babies What do you thunk?