Call meeting to order Approval of Minutes
Officer Reports President Vice-President Preview of what’s to come today Volunteer opportunities to consider for next meeting Open Floor during New Business
Treasurer Account balances Travel Grant Allocations Committee Report Officer Reports Cont.
Travel Grant Travel Grant budget – $ Total number of applicants: 12 Total amount to be funded: $4,800
Applicants Jennifer Martin Oral presentation: Single author Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association March 27, Washington D.C New applicant
Applicants Ashley Miller Poster presentation: First author International Neuropsychological Society annual meeting February 5-13, Waikoloa Hawaii New applicant
Applicants Sreerupa Chatterjee Short paper/poster: First author Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems conference May 6-10, St. Paul Minnesota New applicant
Applicants Colleen Bell Oral presentation: First author Paleoanthropology Society April 1-2, Honolulu Hawaii New applicant
Applicants Logan Brooks Extended abstract/poster presentation: First/second author Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems conference May 6-10, St. Paul Minnesota New applicant
Applicants Mohammed El-Waraky Poster presentation: First author American Association of Petroleum Geologists March 14-15, Norman Oklahoma New applicant ***pending acceptance
Applicants Netaji Kesana Paper presentation: First author American Society of Mechanical Engineers July 7 th -11 th, Nevada Previously funded
Applicants Matthew Kochis Panel chair/workshop Modern Language Association January 5, Boston Previously funded ***attended conference before start of semester
Applicants Shreela Palit Poster presentation: First author American Pain Society May 9 th, New Orleans Previously funded
Applicants Melissa Antonucci Oral presentation: single author American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies April 4-7, Cleveland Ohio Previously funded
Applicants Ellen Terry Poster presentation: First author American Pain Society May 8-11, New Orleans Previously funded
Applicants David Chandler Oral presentation/panel: Single author Digital Game Research Association August 26-29, Atlanta Georgia Previously funded ***pending acceptance
Officer Reports Cont. Secretary GSA/SA Co- sponsorship GSA Liaison Dr. Redner – interim Dean Colloquium Update
Event Coordinator Upcoming events o Grad Appreciation Week Week of March 4 th – All Week! Officer Reports Cont.
New Business Volunteers for Grad Appreciation week Open Floor
Breakfast Hour Fridays 9-10 Lorton 203 Grad Appreciation Week Week of Activities and Free Food o Starting March 4 th Next Senate Meeting Next Sunday! March 3 rd. Aren’t you excited? Reminders
Motion to Adjourn?