Poster Presentation Date: Dec. 4, 10:00 Location: 500-L301 For 40 students, 20 poster presentations for 1.5 hours twice separately You may use your own template. But, if you send a request to TA, TA will send BI Lab poster template Bring your poster and discuss mid-results And try to get valuable feedback from Prof., TA and other students to improve your term paper! Scoring scheme Contents (Interestingness, Quality), Delivery, interactivity The total number of ‘star marks’ from your friends (C) 2015, SNU Biointelligence Laboratory 1
Term Paper Format English only, Scientific journal-style with COGSCI 2015 formatCOGSCI 2015 format How to Write A Paper in Scientific Journal Style and Format (C) 2015, SNU Biointelligence Laboratory 2 Experimental process Section of Paper What did I do in a nutshell? Abstract What is the problem?Introduction How did I solve the problem? Materials and Methods What did I find out? Results What does it mean? Discussion Who helped me out? Acknowledgments (optional) Whose work did I refer to? Literature Cited Extra InformationAppendices (optional)
Submission Guide Due date: Dec 14, 23:59 How to submit your term paper submission to Please use [RLH] header in your title Length: Paper should be summarized within 6 pages Short paper has no disadvantage! (C) 2015, SNU Biointelligence Laboratory 3
Marking Scheme 20% for idea Why this problem? How to connect with this class topics? 40% for the reasonable experiment design 30% for interesting analyses with your experiments 10% for writing Late work (- 10%) per one day Maximum 7 days (C) 2015, SNU Biointelligence Laboratory 4