DNC/RNC/Political Research Timeline:
Today (9.4.12): 1) Finish gathering all of the information (research) you will need on your topic. 2) Record all of your sources so you’ll have them when you’re ready to start creating your bibliography 3) Make a plan for how you’re going to present your information. You will need at least one “visual” to accompany your information. Possible Presentation Visuals: -- Word Document (with visuals, not just text) -- Powerpoint -- Poster -- Newscast (video) 4) If time permits, start your visual to go along with your presentation.
30 Exceeds Expectations 20 Meets Expectations 10 Needs Improvement Critical/ Analytical Thinking Paper/presentation is complex and/or imaginative in nature. Presentation considers and addresses multiple perspectives of an argument or formulates a different view point or perspective on an issue than has already been considered. Presentation is somewhat complex in nature. Other perspectives of an issue or argument are acknowledged or recognized. Presentation is simplistic in nature, addresses the question/statement on a “surface” level or is obvious in nature Effort Presentation exceeds the requirements of the assignment and/or demonstrates breadth or complexity was applied when the presentation was made (i.e., it is apparent a lot of time &/or effort was put into your presentation) Presentation fulfills the requirements of the assignment but lacks additional breadth or complexity of thought beyond what is expected Presentation is short, lacks breadth or complexity, or does not fulfill the requirements of the posting (i.e., is 2 sentences when 3 are required) Writing Style Presentation is written in a clear and concise manner. Presentation/paper is easy to read and understand. Most of the presentation is written in a clear and concise manner. There are some aspects of the presentation which are difficult to read and/or understand. Presentation is incoherent and/or written in a confusing/unclear manner. Paper/ presentation is difficult to read and/or understand. How will I be graded?
Today (9.5.12): 1) Write your presentation summary paper. 2) Create your presentation bibliography. 3) Create your presentation “visual”. Possible Presentation Visuals: -- Word Document (with visuals, not just text) -- Powerpoint -- Poster -- Newscast (video) REMEMBER – Titles should be NO MORE than 16 point font; text should be 14 point font (or smaller). No graphics on your research pages!
Today (9.6.12): 1) Finish writing your presentation summary paper. 2) Finish your presentation bibliography. 3) Finish your presentation “visual”. 4) Practice your presentation.