Information Technology, World Piece and Happiness: An Integrative Perspective Author 1*, Author 2** and Author 3*** * University 1 ** University 2 *** University 3 WISE 2011 December 7-9, 2011, Shanghai, China
Poster slam presentation You get FIVE slides total –One TITLE slide (no content) –Four content slides You get FIVE MINUTES –Allow 15 seconds for changeover –Make sure you can deliver your presentation in 4 minutes and 45 seconds or less –We WILL cut you off abruptly if you go over your time! Presentation Format –Do not make fonts too small and do not overcrowd your slides! –Avoid transitions as you won’t control the clicker!
Powerpoint guidelines Do not assume we have your fonts –Avoid mathematical symbols –Use images for formulas, tables and graphics Powerpoint file specifics –Keep the presentation in Powerpoint 2007/2008/2010 format –Name presentation “wise2011-day_num_slides.pptx” (all letters lowercase) where day_num is the day and number of your paper as found in the workshop program: if your presentation is third on Thursday, the file should be “wise2011_thurs_03_slides.pptx the file to and before midnight on Monday December 1,
Key Findings Does Information Technology lead to World Piece? –Trend towards more and less World Piece –The key variables in the integrative theoretical model are statistically significant in the empirical analysis –Significant Country differences Does Information Technology lead to Increased Happiness? –Trend towards more and less Happiness –The key variables in the integrative theoretical model are statistically significant in the empirical analysis –Significant Personality differences (after adjusting for TechIQ metric)
Summary 1.Integrated existing theories 2.Multi-period model to model modeling 3.Unique data set 4.Amazing results