Plant Parts Please! Grade Level: Kindergarten NY State Standards MST Standard 1: Students will mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry and engineering design, as appropriate to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions.
Objectives: Students will be able to identify plant parts, where seeds come from, and how they grow, what plants require to survive. The students will be expected to record observations about parts of plants including leaves, roots, stems and flower.
Material & Resources Watch Seeds Grow book 20 pages of construction paper for making 20 construction paper flowers 20 green construction paper stems 40 green squares of construction paper for leaves 20 brown squares 60 white labels 20 glue sticks 20 scissors 20 pencils 1 erasable marker Activity Handout
Smart Start Put book in the carpet area. Prepare 20 sets of materials (1 flower, 1 paper stem, 2 green squares on which they will draw and cut out their leaves, 1 brown square for roots, and four labels) to be passed out. Put pencils and scissors out on the student tables. Transition: Release students by tables to come sit at the carpet area. Establish Set/Motivation/Introduction: Today we are going to learn about parts of plants, then guess what? You get to make your own flower!
Mini Lesson Procedure: After students are seated in the carpet, tell them the objective today is to learn the four main parts of a plant. What is something you know about plants? Write down their different responses on the white board, giving them time to brainstorm. Okay, good answers. Now I am going to read a book called "Watch Seeds Grow." Tell the kids one fact about each part of the plant as you read the book. After reading the book, talk about it. Release students by tables to go sit down.
Application (Group Work) Each group should settled and ready to listen to instructions: 5. Now you are going to make your own flowering plant. 6. Grab a set of materials and show the kids the parts and ask them: What part am I holding in my hand? A stem! Good job! 7. Then demonstrate the process of how to make a flower. 8. Label the four parts (flower, stem, leaf, roots), then glue them together. 9. Please do NOT glue the labels until I come and check you. 10. The activity sheet can be passed out for support. Walk around to help kids.
Conclusion Gather students back into a whole class discussion to pose the following assessment questions. Questions for Closure: Are plants living or nonliving? What makes food for the plant? What is the first step to start growing a plant?
Extensions: Students can be challenged to go home over the weekend and pose the closure questions to a parent or guardian. The students can create their responses to the question visually on a poster board to present to the class when they return to school next week.