TAGS data in ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VII.1.1 A.A. Sonzogni, T.D. Johnson, E.A. McCutchan, National Nuclear Data Center.


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Presentation transcript:

TAGS data in ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VII.1.1 A.A. Sonzogni, T.D. Johnson, E.A. McCutchan, National Nuclear Data Center

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #2 - Alejandro Sonzogni Outline TAGS Decay Data in ENDF/B-VII.1 Updates in ENDF/B-VII.1.1 Recent work on Antineutrino spectra calculations Searching for systematics

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #3 - Alejandro Sonzogni ENDF/B-VII.1 EEM and ELP data for most of Greenwood nuclides and all of the Valencia results. There is an inconsistency since EEM is not equal to and ELP not equal to. It also includes CGM calculations, with the latest Q-values, for nuclides with incomplete data in ENSDF. ENDF/B-VII.1.1 (in progress) Contains I  from Greenwood and Valencia TAGS. Contains I  from a fit to Rudstam/Tengblad data. I  (gs) for 92Rb set to 95.1%

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #4 - Alejandro Sonzogni Recent work on Antineutrino Spectra Calculations Antineutrino spectra are calculated as (Vogel 1981) Spectrum =  CFY i Spectrum i Cumulative Fission Yields from JEFF-3.1 No adjustable parameters

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #5 - Alejandro Sonzogni Nuclides with CGM calculations contribute about 4% to 12% of the total spectra. Recent work on Antineutrino Spectra Calculations

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #6 - Alejandro Sonzogni Recent work on Antineutrino Spectra Calculations Comparison with Rudstam data for the two most important nuclides for energies higher than 5 MeV, assuming allowed shape. New measurements are needed to test deviation from allowed shapes for first forbidden transitions.

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #7 - Alejandro Sonzogni Antineutrino multiplicities The integral of antineutrino multiplicity follows a systematics similar to delayed nu-bar.

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #8 - Alejandro Sonzogni Due to incomplete decay schemes and not very precise fission yields, the summation method can’t be used to calculate antineutrino spectra with high-precision. Odd-Z, Odd-N nuclides are the main contributors to the antineutrino spectra, due to a) large Q  and existence of low-spin ground state/isomer. Similarly, the light fission fragment contributes more antineutrinos than the heavy group. Some conclusions

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #9 - Alejandro Sonzogni Searching for systematics The basic parameters in beta decay are: Z and N of the parent nucleus Half-life Q-value Spin and parity of parent I  (E level ) From I  we can derive: EEM: Average level energy Level SD: Standard deviation on EEM EEM =  I  E level Level SD =   I  (E level – EEM) 2 ) 1/2

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #10 - Alejandro Sonzogni In the past, T 1/2 was related to Qb using the Kratz-Hermann Systematic: T 1/2 =a(Q  -C) b The data are from complete ENSDF decay datasets

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #11 - Alejandro Sonzogni

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #12 - Alejandro Sonzogni Some general observations: a)Even-Even nuclides have smaller values of level SD and align better on the KH plot. b)Odd-Odd are far more spread. c)Is C the best parameter? If Level SD is small, EEM would be a better one.

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #13 - Alejandro Sonzogni J >= 2 J < 2 J >= 2 130Sn (7-) 182Hf (8-)

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #14 - Alejandro Sonzogni Even if Level SD is smaller than 0.5 MeV, we still get large scatter in non EE nuclei

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #15 - Alejandro Sonzogni Even-even nuclides seem to group rather nicely, with the exception of 130Sn (7-) and 6He that has a log ft=2.9. Full symbols are the TAGS data.

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #16 - Alejandro Sonzogni Since is the first moment of the Ib distribution, and EEM is the 2 nd order moment, is there a EEM / T1/2 correlation

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #17 - Alejandro Sonzogni

IAEA Consultant meeting 2014 #18 - Alejandro Sonzogni Some general comments Fission yields are needed in summation and decay heat calculations. However, there are discrepancies between the different libraries, see In particular, for 92Rb a measurement from Lowell puts the CFY at around 7%. Shape of 1 st forbidden non-unique transitions could explain the Daya Bay shape problem. New precise measurements are needed. We had not luck with PACs in the US, even our recent article received some ‘interesting’ comments from the referee, as there are too many nuclides contributing to make it worth an experimental campaign. Do we need another Subgroup 25?