Seminar on ILAs1 Seminar on Individual learning accounts: An incentive for financing continuing vocational education and training
Seminar on ILAs2 Overview of the presentation Policy context Background information Purpose of the seminar Themes covered Common questions for discussion
Seminar on ILAs3 Policy context Revised Lisbon strategy –Education and Training 2010 –Copenhagen – Maastricht – Helsinki process European Employment strategy –Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs Framework of actions for the lifelong development of competences and qualifications Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity COM(2007)359
Seminar on ILAs4 Participation by adults in LLL Benchmark 2010
Seminar on ILAs5 Participation in LLL by age and educational attainment (EU-25), 2006
Seminar on ILAs6 Background information European Learning Account Project OECD Ikei – Catalogue of recent lifelong learning co-financing initiatives Pilot projects
Seminar on ILAs7 Purpose of the seminar to provide a forum for discussion around the subject of ILAs to present innovative and best practice initiatives, identify keys to success and challenges, and explore the conditions to expand ILAs provision ILAs - portable savings accounts used to finance education and training after compulsory education usually encouraged by some kind of public support.
Seminar on ILAs8 Who is contributing to ILAs?
Seminar on ILAs9 ILAs Why do we focus on ILAs? What do we want to achieve? What are the key issues and challenges to meet the goals of the schemes?
Seminar on ILAs10 Issues and challenges of ILAs Policy objectives Target group –Individuals with low qualification levels –Unemployed and people outside the labour market –Low income levels –Willing to save for training –Others
Seminar on ILAs11 Types of learning –Vocational –General Certification and quality assurance –Providers –Programme Career guidance and counselling Financing Issues and challenges of ILAs
Seminar on ILAs12 Reimbursement –Direct costs –Indirect costs Management system –National –Regional –Local framework Responsibility, administration and management of the funds –Self management by the individual via a bank –Independent project organisation –Other arrangements Issues and challenges of ILAs
Seminar on ILAs13 Empirical work Evaluations Perspectives Further research –Common conceptual framework for comparison Issues and challenges of ILAs
Seminar on ILAs14 Thank you! Peter Szovics, PhD. Project Manager Cedefop, Europe 123 GR-57001, Thessaloniki Postal address:PO Box 22427, GR-55102,Thessaloniki Tel: Fax: Web sites:
Seminar on ILAs15 Formulation of common research questions What common methodology (conceptual framework) for evaluation of ILAs schemes would be feasible? –What criteria (e.g. costs and benefits) do we have to use for selecting success stories? How to strengthen the role of social partners in co-financing ILAs?