Artiom Dolgich and Josh Breault
Russian czar in the late 17 th century who attempted to establish Russia as a great nation Born on June 9 th, 1672 Died on February 08, 1725 Peter inherited the nation as underdeveloped when he came to power He was 6 ½ feet tall Excessive drinker Married twice and had 11 children
Shared the throne with his brother Ivan V After his brother dies, Peter inherits all of the nation Peter created a strong navy He reorganized his army according to western standards Reestablished schools Administrated greater power over Orthodox church In 1721, he proclaimed Russia an empire and was awarded the title of emperor of all Russia Although he was an effective leader, he was also cruel
In 1688, Peter began his first attempts at shipbuilding In 1693, he sees the sea for the first time His passion for sailing begins to grows In Peter leads his great embassy to western Europe, visiting the Netherlands, Vienna and England He introduced new administrative and territorial divisions of the country Modernized the Russian alphabet Introduced the Julian calendar Established the first Russian newspaper
Brought Russia from the medieval age Built beautiful and huge cities Reorganized Russian army Strengthened the Russian navy Took control of more seas and ports Gained allies
One of the best leaders Russia has had Modernized Russia Took ideas from the west Hired Renaissance artist to create Saint Petersburg (one of the most beautiful cities in the world) Was cruel at times Cruelty was necessary to keep order Some historians believe Russia would not come out of the Medieval Age for hundreds of more years, if it was not for Peter
Gupta, Surendra K. "Peter the Great." Great Lives from History: The Eighteenth Century. Ed. John Powell. 2 Vols. Salem Press, Salem History Web. 09 May "I Peter the Great." 09 May 2012, 09: "Peter's Table of Ranks: 1722." Russian Life Jan.-Feb. 2011: 21+. General OneFile. Web. 9 May 2012.