Top Ten Things Everyone Should Know About
10. Tasty, yummy, sometimes homemade food at each meeting.
9. Reading thought provoking books that focus on your vocation and your unique strengths.
8. Exploring new styles of prayer which include crayons, scissors, Play-Doh and glitter glue.
7. Building new relationships with other laity who are discerning God’s call on their lives.
6. Retreats!!! Some include sleeping on a bunk bed – just like at camp.
5. Building a toolkit which will serve you as you serve God.
4. Responding to other participants’ strengths which compliment yours and fill in your gaps.
3. Experiencing communion around the campfire as you feel God’s warmth and love surround you.
2. Discovering where your greatest gifts and the community’s greatest need coincide in God’s glorious plan.
1. Stepping out in faith – even if you can’t see the ground below your feet.