Devil’s snare Hydrangea Crape Myrtle Razzle Dazzle Crape Myrtle Black Eyed Susan Butterfly Bush
Devil’s Snare Originated In South America Very Poisonous Originated In South America Illegal to buy, sell, or grow it US calls in Jimson weed
Hydrangea White, but can be colored. Used to make tea in Asia Also known as the “Snowball Bush”
Crape Myrtle Has 250 varieties Grows fast Brightly colored flowers Originated in Australia & Asia
Razzle Dazzle Crape Myrtle Type of Crape Myrtle Cherry, Raspberry, and Ruby Dazzle are types of Razzle Dazzle Crape Myrtles Dwarf plants, they are 4 feet tall
Black Eyed Susan One of the most common American wildflowers Grow back every summer Brown center and bright yellow pedals Maryland’s state flower
Butterfly Bush Attracts butterflies Spreads easily, some states don’t allow/recommend it. Hard to get rid of Purple/pink flowers
Plants and Stink bugs Stink bugs eat leaves, plants, flowers, and fruit Pennsylvania has an invasion of stink bugs It’s an issue because they eat the crops and flowers
Radiation in Grass