Ipl2 By: Chelsey Marcoux
What Is Ipl2? Ipl2 is a public service organization and a learning/teaching environment. Today thousands of students and volunteer library and information science professionals have been involved in answering reference questions for our ask an ipl2 Librarian service. which is designing, building, creating, and maintaining the Ipl2’s collections.
What does Ipl2 stand for? Ipl2 is a result of a merger of the internet Public Library and the Librarians internet index.
How does Ipl2 work?.Submit your question using the question form that is given. The question will be sent through ipl2’s system. At that time one of the staff volunteers will look at your question and send you an with your answered question. If they can not answer your question they will give you suggestions for continuing your search.
Who answers ipl2’s questions? Ipl2’s question service is staffed by trained professional librarian volunteers and graduated students in library science programs. Their volunteers and student come from libraries and schools around the United states, Canada, and other parts of the world.
What kind of answers will you receive? Ipl2 answers include resources you can use to learn about your topic. Ipl2 includes a description of how they found those resources. Ipl2 focuses on finding authoritative, free sources you can access online. Ipl2 is not part of a physical library so they don’t own books, magazines, or databases. Ipl2 can not send copies of materials such as articles or book chapters, but they will refer you to your local library with the name of the book that might help you.
I hope this was helpful!
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