Career Centre Finding a Great Fit: Career Exploration for Psychology Majors Feb. 24 th, 2006
Career Centre Finding a Great Fit: Career Exploration for Psychology Majors Understanding Yourself Researching Occupations Getting Experience Resources AGENDA
Career Centre Finding a Great Fit: Career Exploration for Psychology Majors UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF Why did you choose Psychology as a major? What courses did you most enjoy – why? Thinking about careers you have heard about, which sound most like something you’d love to do – why? Based on this information these things seem to be important to me:
Career Centre Finding a Great Fit: Career Exploration for Psychology Majors UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF Resources: Career Planning Workshop Career Cruising - Career Matchmaker quiz Career Advising
Career Centre Finding a Great Fit: Career Exploration for Psychology Majors RESEARCHING OCCUPATIONS Priority Information: What does the job entail? What are the job requirements? How stressful is the work? Who will be the clientele? Is my knowledge a good match with the field? Location? Salary? Hours? Flexibility? Work forecast in this are of employment?
Career Centre Finding a Great Fit: Career Exploration for Psychology Majors RESEARCHING OCCUPATIONS Resources: Career Cruising Career Resources Library, e.g. The Blue Book Career Informants Professional Associations
Career Centre Finding a Great Fit: Career Exploration for Psychology Majors GETTING EXPERIENCE Strategies: (following are places where the workshop participants gained experience) Sunnybrook Hospital Volunteer Resources (Music & Art Therapy) Trillium Health Center -- volunteer office Baycrest Center for Geriatric Care -- volunteer centre Mount Sinai Geriatrics, speech pathology, translations Alzheimer Society of Peel, “semi- therapy”
Career Centre Finding a Great Fit: Career Exploration for Psychology Majors GETTING EXPERIENCE Resources: Career Informants Career Resources Library, e.g. The Blue Book Career Cruising Professional Associations
Career Centre Finding a Great Fit: Career Exploration for Psychology Majors RESOURCES Next Steps for Graduating Students: getting experience Charity Village or Idealist – volunteer or paid work experience Summer Job Blitz site – summer jobs programs and information about creating a summer business – e-chat Mar. 2, 1:30-2:30 Career Advising – M-F, 12-4 p.m.