Monitoring Impact Performance Management for Local Data Intermediaries March 19, 2015
Thank you to our presenters! Erica Raleigh Detroit Sheila Martin Portland Jake Cowan NNIP Alum and Strategy Consultant Final report to be posted in the next few days. Latest draft at:
NNIP Pittsburgh Just Around the Corner Eventbrite registration closed (sold out!): Rob Pitingolo if you still want to register Reserve your hotel reservations (may be full – we are looking into it) Propose an Ignite topic Post an NNIP Camp session
#NNIPChat Follow #NNIPChat every Thursday at 4 EST High Opportunity Neighborhoods We need volunteer hosts! It’s easy and fun for any staff level and a great way to get to know your fellow partners. We need topic suggestions!
Spring/Summer Events Urban Affairs Association (4/8-4/11) Idea Showcase (4/15) Pittsburgh Meeting (5/6-5/8) American Community Survey Meeting (5/11-5/13) Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference (5/19-5/21)
Send your ideas for other ways to stay in touch between meetings!