TaK – Labels and Classification Liquid ALiquid BLiquid C Which is the odd one out?
TaK – Labels and Classification Classification: ‘Things that fly’?
TaK – Labels and Classification Things that fly Living things Man-made things Insects Birds
TaK – Labels and Classification
Classify these 13 objects into categories Rules: Create 3 or 4 categories that will accommodate all the objects. Describe each category with the label, “Things that are….” Each category must have two or more objects Each object must belong to one, and only one category Be as creative as you can TaK – Labels and Classification
“I have invited an attractive blonde to the party” “I have invited my best friend to the party” “I have invited a marathon runner to the party” “I have invited my sister to the party” “I have invited a lesbian to the party” “I have invited a cellist to the party” TaK – Labels and Classification It could be the same person but each description suggests something different
Classification is interpretive – it is our minds that make the associations and group experiences Classification is passed on across generations by naming in language, with different languages possessing different categories Classification schemes exist at higher or lower levels of generality (boxes within boxes – your dog is ‘Rover’, a pet, a dog, an animal etc) Classification may be ambiguous Classification may be elastic – changing over time and given new experience and understanding. One sub-category of rigid classification is prejudice Classification is necessary TaK – Labels and Classification
Despite their obvious value, labels can trap us into one particular way of looking at things. TaK – Labels and Classification
Stereotypes “He’s a punk so he must be a rebel” “She dyes her hair crazy colours – she must want attention” “She’s Asian – she must be good at Maths” TaK – Labels and Classification
Stereotypes They simplify a complex world for us. However, they also encourage us not to see the grouped people as they really are. Can you think of stereotypes for different groups? When is a stereotype harmless? Have you felt insulted by a stereotype? TaK – Labels and Classification