OPAC General information
Children in armed conflicts Children as civil victims Children as active participants
Structure Preamble 13 articles guidelines
General measures of implementations 1.International standards applied? Convention is part of domestic legislation? A comprehensive national plan of action exists? State coordination and monitoring? Independent monitoring? Budget and budgetary allocations for children? Classified data and statistics? NGOs and their status? Dissemination, training and awareness raising? International co-operation)?
Prevention General measures for prevention Age certificate – way of documenting the age and assumption of ages Military school Promotion with some groups (prohibition)
Prohibition of involvment of children in armed conflicts In criminal and other laws Ratification of relevant international treates Legal norms for exterritorial jurisdiction and extradition when international human and humanitarian rights are violated
Protection/restitution, rehabilitation and reintegration Demobilization Social reintegration Protection of children with other nationality Legal possibility for compensation
International cooperation and assistance Permanent improvement of interantional cooperation Arms trade
Other questions To make legal framework for full implementation of Protocol provisions