Rise of Napoleon And His Domestic policies
Rise to Power Born Corsica 1769 Military School education During Revolution was a artillery specialist against Spanish and English Fleets Rose quickly in rank Appointed head of military by Directory Plots for power
Rise to Power (continued) Expedition to Egypt against England Coup d’etat against Directory 1st Consul Plebiscite Campaign against Italy Coronation to Emperor Napoleon I Treatment of emigres (nobility)-amnesty
Government Four Branches-Council of State Tribunate Legislative Corp Senate All appointed by Napoleon No restrictions on background– Equal opportunities!! – based on expertise. Highly paid centralized bureaucracy Creates prefects
Code Napoleon Legal reforms Men equal under the law Women lose status; politically & financially Lack of civil liberties; use of force OK Favored state interests over individual Divorce by mutual consent lack of free speech Fouche Treatment of the Press
Concordat of 1801 (Pope Pius VII) Treaty w/ Vatican- ends Civil Constitution of Clergy Investiture in hands of Napoleon “Catholicism faith of majority of Frenchmen” allows tolerance Pope accepts ending tithe RCC is a “Ward of the State” State supervises- printing of Bulls; establishes Catechism and seminaries; made Papal states a “satellite of France” Pope agreed to forfeiture of confiscated Church lands from Revolution
Education RCC no longer in charge Establish “lycees” to create good bureaucrats Tuition based so only wealthy attended No primary education established Central bureaucracy to oversee schools
Economics Balanced Budget Continues assignats Law of Chapelier strengthen against strikes-- state controlled Carry livret (ID)-listed occupation Bank of France- scandal