Dionysus-Διονύσιος Bacchus-Βακχος By Ambrose Shay
Domains Ecstasy -- madness in his followers, illusion, sexuality, and drunkenness Viticulture & Winemaking Wine-Drinking Mad Frenzy & Hallucination Fruit & Vegetation Plays & Choral Song Homosexuality & Effeminacy Reincarnation & the Afterlife
symbols Thyrsus, grapevine, leopard skin, panther, tiger, leopard, grapes (vine, leaves, & fruit) wine pomegranate myrtle honey lions bulls goats tigers flute
Story When Dionysus saw the [wild] grapes with a bellyful of red juice, he dug into the rock, hollowed out a pit in the stone with the sharp prongs of his earth-burrowing pick, smoothed the sides of the deepening hold and made an excavation like a winepress [and made the first ever batch of wine].
Family Parents: Dionysus was a son of Zeus, the King of the Gods and the beautiful princess Semele. Relationships: Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and Nyx, the goddess of the night. Wife: Ariadne, the princess of Crete Famous Children: Priapus, Phthonus, Deianira
http://www.men-myths-minds.com/Dionysus-greek-god.html http://www.greekmythology.com/Other_Gods/Dionysus/dionysus.html http://www.theoi.com/Olympios/Dionysos.html http://www.theoi.com/Olympios/DionysosMyths2.html