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The economic crisis called the ________ caused millions of people to lose faith in democratic governments
What was the Great Depression
Scientist who developed the theory of realativity
Who was Albert Einstein?
Several parties or factions working together.
What is a coalition government?
In 1924 the _______ _______ helped slow inflation in Germany
What is the Dawes Plan?
He was the English- born star of the silent screen whose little tramp character conveyed his comic genius
Who was Charlie Chaplin?
In 1935, only one democracy, ________, remained in Europe
What is Czechoslovakia?
He was the leader of the Fascist Party in Italy
Who was Benito Mussolini?
Art movement that was inspired by Freud’s theories
What is surrealism?
Public works projects, welfare, social security and regulation on banks and the stock market were all part of what plan
What was the New Deal?
Type of music with a lively, loose beat, developed in the USA mainly by African Americans
What is Jazz in the 20’s, Rock and roll in the late 50’s and hip Hop in the 80’s??
The Nazi secret police
What was the gestapo?
Another name for the National Socialist German Workers’ party
What was the Nazi Party
The book that sets forth Hitler’s beliefs that the Germans were a “master race” and that non-Aryans were inferior.
What was Mein Kampf?
The leader of Nazi Germany
Who was Adolf Hitler?
The new, militant political movement that emphasized loyalty to the state and obedience to its leader
What is fascism?
German philosopher who urged a return to values of pride, assertiveness, and strength, and who had a great impact on politics in Italy and Germany
Who is Fredrick Nietzsche
Irish Poet whose poem “The Second Coming” conveyed a sense of future struggles.
Who is William Butler Yeats?
Hitler turned the press, radio, literature, painting and film into tools of __________
What is propaganda?
This term was used to describe the rampage of Nazi mobs against German Jews in November 1938
What is Kristallnacht?
Belief that there is no universal meaning to life and that each person creates his or her own meaning through choices
What is existentialism?
This pact said that countries would “renounce war as an instrument of national policy”
What is the Kellogg-Briand peace pact?
He was an Austrian physician whose theories of the unconscious mind weakened peoples faith in reason.
Who was Sigmund Freud?
Mussolini took this title after gaining control of the government.
Il Duce
This work by Salvador Dali came from what school of art?
He/she was a Russian composer who moved away from traditional styles and used irregular rhythms and dissonances in his music
Who was Igor Stravinsky
Make your wager
Final Answer
Final Question